BT747 can geotag your JPG pictures

BT747 "Desktop" has been extended with a substantial set of new functionalities:

  • Map inside BT747.

    BT747 now integrates OpenStreetMap (OSM) with extraordinary performance. The code is entirely in Java and caches downloaded data so that zooming operations are extremely fluent.
    Once a cache directory is defined, you can also revisit parts of the map offline*.
    You might want to use BT747 rather than your browser to look at the map
  • BT747 shows your track and waypoints internally on the map.
    That way you do not need to open another application to get a look at your log data.* And you can adjust your filter more easily.
  • Internal tables.

    Data is shown in tables**. This makes it easier to adjust the data filter.
  • Support for the Visiontac VGPS-900.

    The Visiontac VGPS-900 has very specific CSV files and BT747 can convert them.
  • Multiple input files.

    Now you can 'concatenate' multiple files in BT747.
  • Command line interface.

    Advanced users can access key functionality from the command line to download, convert and tag files in batch mode.
  • Drag and drop.

    You can drag and drop your track logs and files to tag to the application.
  • Icon toolbar for fast access.
  • Geotagging.

    BT747 can position ANY FILE on the map and write back position information in JPEG files.

    Therefore, besides tagging pictures, you can also position Voice Recordings, Text Notes, ... .

    The date of the file is matched against the log and shown as a waypoint in several output formats:
    HTML (Gmaps), KML, KMZ, CSV, GPX.

    You can adjust the positions manually on the map.
  • Translations.

    A dozen of volunteers participated to make the application available in the following additional languages:
    German, French, Russian, Chinese (Taiwan), Spanish, Italian and Dutch.***
  • Compatibility with Eee PCs

    BT747 Desktop can fit on an Eee PC's screen.
  • Several other improvements.

    Access to more functionality already available in the PDA version, better control over colors, KML/KMZ output altitude setting,
    bug fixes, tooltips, quick access conversion buttons, ... .

Thanks to several authors for desktop translations - they mention themselves in the about functionality of the application if they chose too.
Thanks to Dirk Haase for several icons, intensive test and feedback, and German documentation pages.
Thanks to the users that take the time to report bugs to the author and validate the modifications.

A special Thank You to the few that have shown their gratitude through a donation.

*Downloading parts of the map will be implemented in a later version.
**Editing the data in these tables is to be implemented in a later version.
***Parts of the interface may still be in English.