Given the feedback in the poll, I've given more priority to providing the AGPS upload functionality in J2ME and now I implemented a 'not yet gui friendly' version of direct upload to Open Street Map.
The AGPS upload (and download of the data from the web) should work, but I can't test it using a real internet connection (on the phone) and a real AGPS capable device, so any feedback of success or failure is welcome). You should use the latest version 0.3.XXX).
Regarding the direct upload of track data to OSM, I did the first upload just a few hours ago and I was having trouble with the build process after that. You need to enter your osm login and password on the 'AGPS' panel. Then you should convert to the internal GUI (new GUI button) and check that the track is ok on the map. Once you are happy, you can upload the data to OSM by clicking another button).
For the moment, error reports will not result in a popup, but messages should appear in the info window. There will be as many files uploaded as you would create locally. For the moment, the uploaded track are 'private' and have a fixed tag. I will add the possibility to set the description, the tags and the public 'flag' later. You can still change these yourselves on OpenStreetMap yourselves.
You can try these features and leave a comment of your success, failure and other feedback.
The first version having OSM upload is BT747_2.X.1412M.
I finally got the right contact in Transystem (thanks to a user) and I received a login + password for BT747.
This means that I can integrate it in BT747 and no longer require the user to provide the login information.