bt-q100xt controlling vibration sensor

Bild von zevnikrok

Since my original Qstarz application hangs on startup I decided to switch to BT747. But AFAIK it doesn't offer yet the functionality to control the BT-Q1000XT's internal vibration sensor (power saving function). If I understand correctly you need the proprietary serial command which enables this function on the device. I'd like to sniff the data, so you have the option of implementing it in the future releases.

Which serial sniffing software do you recommend?


Bild von mdeweerd

You are right. You can use

You are right.

You can use 'HDD Serial Port Monitor' - Free version: [Does not work on all OS].  The full version works on more systems.

There is also ''.

Bild von zevnikrok

I finally managed to get it

I finally managed to get it working. The only difference I notice in sending data is $PTSI004,2,1*29 (enable) and $PT SI004,2,0*28 (disable). Is this information of any value?

The output is as follows:

enable vibration power saving
PTSI002,1, *3D..

disable vibration power saving
PTSI002,1, *3D..

Bild von mdeweerd

Hi There is a window where


There is a window where you can get the data sent and the data received one after the other in the order that it happens.
That is easier to interpret (to decipher what the reply to a given command is).

Furhter, there are several PTSI commands that are new.

The best way to handle this is to list all the commands, like this:

PTSI004  Param1 = 2 (Vibration sensor) Param2=0 (off),1(on)  - Example:$PTSI004,2,1  - Reply: ...


This information may already do the trick for the vibration sensor, I'll implement it in the coming days.

Bild von E2nO

I am pretty sure that this is

I am pretty sure that this is the information you were looking for!

Just test it: use Windows Hyperterminal to just send exactly one of these strings to the logger and see if it had worked as expected.

If not, try to send the complee $PTSI bock - that should be working as the $PMTK182,2 command that is send before is to query the log interval.

Then reduce one by one the PTSI commands until you are left wit the sequence that is working.

Anyway, I doubt that such an feature will have to be set with a multi command sequence. My guess: $PTSI004,2,1*29 (enable) and $PT SI004,2,0*28 (disable) - exactly as you proposed.

Bild von mdeweerd

Hi I meant two


I meant two things:

  1. There is probably a reply to these commands as an acknowledge, I would like to know what they are because I 'use' such information;
  2. It is worthwile to decode the other messages too while we are at it.

I agree that a multi-command sequence is likely not needed.

mdeweerd & E2nO, I was

mdeweerd & E2nO,

I was determined to check the settings once again, but I have managed to (probably) fry my logger, while it hit a seawater splash while on a sailing trip. I will let it dry for another day, but I don't have big hopes.

So, until I receive another one, this topic is closed for me:(

Bild von zevnikrok

Forgot to login, that was me.

Forgot to login, that was me.

Bild von mdeweerd

Well, make sure to open it

Well, make sure to open it entirely (pry it open using a knife), dry it as much as possible (you could consider using a hairdryer at a sufficient distance).

  Hello Is there any progress



Is there any progress about this feature? Today I got this device and I would like to setup this function on Linux. I can also help you to sniff the data or even try to implement it directly to the application. Just please ask me if you need my help.

BTW my previous device was BT-Q1000X (no XT) and I forgot it in my swimsuit and went swimming :-D. Later at private I disassembled it, washed the circuit in fresh water and toothbrush and let it dry. It did not work. Afterwards I made it to bath in electronic cleaning liquid for a day. Then I managed to download my log with USB but logger didn't work if was not connected to USB. Old battery was gone but I was also unssucessful with a new one. Later I found burned cuprex place and reconnected it with blow lamp. I was so happy that my device started to work. But not for too long. After couple of minutes it goes crazy, flashing LEDs in random order. I have to turn it off, leave for couple of minutes and then turn it on again. So at the end of the day it is unuseable anymore :-(. I liked that device very much and recorded so many tracks with it for OpenStreetMap and so I decided to get the simmilar one again :-).

Best regards


Any progress on adding

Any progress on adding vibration sensor setting and buzzer setting to BT747? BT747 is such great software, I wish that it could control these options, too!