when I run bt747 under Linux as a usual user I cannot create a lock file in /var/lock and so cannot connect to my iBlue GPS logger. The directory permissions should allow creating files, I can create a simple file by the touch command.
When I run bt747 as root (what I don't want to do) everything is fine.
Do you know a solution for my problem? I guess there are some other access rights which have to be reset.
Thanks for a solution
Hi The "official solution" is
The "official solution" is to add the user to uucp ("sudo usermod -aG uucp USERNAME").
The other solution is to create the lock file and give everybody access:
sudo mkdir /var/lock
sudo chmod 777 /var/lock
Kind regards
Ah, I solved the problem -
Ah, I solved the problem - there were wrong access settings not for the lock directory but in the bt747 libs subdirectory.
Thanks for your help