Help with Holux M-1000C

Bild von dave

I've got a new Holux M-1000C.  I'm trying to determine if I should upgrade the firmware.  The numbering scheme is not clear from the Holux web site. 

Here are some clues:

1.  My M-1000C currently downloads the log fine with BT747 J2SE v. 1.68.32.  Also, conversion to HTML and NMEA formats work. Velocity is reported incorrectly.

2. Data on my M-1000C reported with BT747 v. 1.68.32 is:

FlashInfo: C22016C2 (MX,4MB)
Model: 0050 (?)
FirmWare: AXN_1.30-B_1.3_C01 (01029-00C)
Logger SW: V1.39

3. Long/Lat and time are reported correctly with J2ME v. 0.2.66, however the velocity is not.  Bluetooth connection works well.  I'm using a BB 8330 and installed the BT_J2ME.jar version.

4. I cannot get the log download to work with BT747 J2SE v. 2.X.1664 or 2.X.1666.

I have a copy of the latest firmware file from the Holux website.  This is labeled:
M-1000c_fw_update_package_EN V1.02
It is not clear to me what the relationship between this file and the AXN_1.30-B_1.3_C01 (01029-00C) firmware version reported by BT747 above is.

BT747 looks to be an excellent product, and I'd like to take advantage of its growth in the future.  My questions are, should I upgrade the fw in my new Holux to the V1.02 fw listed above?  Is there a newer version (I've read someplace of a reference to 1.03)?  Or should I stick with what I have?

Thanks in advance for your help and for your very nice program!


Bild von dave

I contacted Holux support and

I contacted Holux support and they said that v 1.02 is the latest firmware release for the M-1000C (their email dated Feb 2, 2010).

BT747 v. 2.X.1666 and 2.X.1664 do not work with v. 1.02 of the fw.  Further 1.68.32 does not correctly report velocity with v 1.02 of the fw.  Will there be an upgrade of BT747 to work with the M-1000C?


Bild von mdeweerd

Hi Dave Have a look at this

Hi Dave

Have a look at this page regarding M1000C .

You should set the protocol in the Settings menu to M1000C and the file conversion binary type to GR245 (on the far right of the convert button).

Try that and come back here with the result.



Bild von dave

Beautiful.  I had missed the

Beautiful.  I had missed the step of setting the binary type to GR245 to the right of the convert button.  All is happy now.  Thanks very much!


Bild von rt

This is interesting. Dave

This is interesting.

Dave said his M-1000C is:

FlashInfo: C22016C2 (MX,4MB)
Model: 0050 (?)
FirmWare: AXN_1.30-B_1.3_C01 (01029-00C)
Logger SW: V1.39

While mine says:

FlashInfo: C22015C2 (MX,2MB)
Model: 0035 (Holux M1000C)
FirmWare: AXN_1.30-B_1.3_C01 (01029-00C)
Logger SW: V1.39

This means there are at least two hardware revisions of M-1000C in the wild. The extra flash sure looks handy :)

Mario, you may wish to consider updating the product list to cater for 0050.

For reference, the sticker below the battery says the P/N is 96086-00N for my device.

Bild von mdeweerd

I added 0050 to the

I added 0050 to the identification algo.  Will be available in > 2.X.1673.

Bild von dave

rt - thanks for the info. 

rt - thanks for the info.  Here my P/N for the 0050 device is 96086-50N.  Serial number looks like about 1500 devices have been manufactured.


Bild von mdeweerd

P/N looks more like Part

P/N looks more like Part Number.


Can you tell me what the FCC ID is?

Bild von rt

Yep, you are probably right

Yep, you are probably right about P/N.

Again, for the record, my FCC ID is RJIM-1000XX. I believe I once found their certification application.

I was hoping I could make out the standard manufacturing year/ week numbers from the serial number but this does not seem to be the case.


Bild von dave

Yes - P/N is the part

Yes - P/N is the part number.  The serial number looks like M1000CB950nnnnn.  One possibility is HW rev. B, manufacturing year 2009, week 50.  That's a guess on my part, though.

FCC ID is the same (RJIM-1000XX).


Hi it takes me so much effort

Hi it takes me so much effort to find out my Holux M-1000C firmware version number, I think I'd post it here so others don't have to also search in Chinese to find out:
download the official v1.02 update package: After unzip it you will find a "ezUpdate V3.00". Unzip it and run "HOLUX ezUpdate.exe". Although the package said it is English, but I get a Chinese interface like this Press the top left big button has "COM Port" in its label, the software starts to detect the Com port which the M1000C is connected to. After it finds it, press the button to the right, to connect. You should see three lines of information displayed to the right of the button: To the top is the receiver type (mine is "M-1000C"), the middle line is hardware version (mine V02), the bottom line is software version (mine V1.03).
By the way, I am running the BT747 v2.0.0, which reports
FlashInfo: C22016C2 (MX,4MB)
Model: 0056 (?)
FirmWare: AXN 1.30-B 1.3 C01 (01029-00D)
Logger SW: V1.39

I bought my unit last week . Hope this helps.

Hello, In between firmware


In between firmware update 1.04 is out (

I believe this works much better then the older firmwares. As a bluetooth-mouse this device works excellent,

however as e standalone logger the device's performance is dependant on your settings (not oke off fabric).

Kind Regards,
