How to kill a stalled BT747 in Mac OSX

Bild von gadgetdoctor

I’m 99% of the way there with my Holux talking nicely over bluetooth to my mac via the Version 1.60.11 of the BT747 software all thanks to this terrific instructions over at

My problem comes with trying to shut BT747 down. If it hangs or seems to hang I try to quit it but no matter what I have a waba.applet.Applet icon in my dock and no force quitting will get rid of it till I reboot. Once this has happened, there is no way to reconnect to the Holux until I’ve rebooted.

Is there some Java magic I need to know?

Bild von mdeweerd

Effect of changes in dev version ?

The way the application stops has been changed in the development version - I do not know if this has a positive effect on your problem.

Bild von gadgetdoctor

I just installed and tried

I just installed and tried Version 1.61.3 and that seems to shut down better but I can't seem to get it to work twice. If I connect and download a log then close the app (command-Q) I can't them seem to re-open the connection if I run the program again.

Ooops... just tried again, to get a copy of the error text, and it worked. Strange. Maybe there is some sort of time out on the bluetooth connection?

What is the proper way to close the connection down so it can be restarted later?

Bild von mdeweerd

Latest version - 1.64.3

Actually the latest version is 1.64.3 - I am not sure that the update was done in 1.61.3.

You can find it in the debug releases or install it through webstart on this site.

Bild von gadgetdoctor

Can I just download 1.64.3

Can I just download 1.64.3 and run it by clicking on the command file on my computer? I haven't been able to get the web installed version to connect. At least the other one has connected before.

Bild von mdeweerd

Webinstall links should work - download zip as alternative

I do not understand exactly what you mean.

The links created by the webinstall are runnable.

You can also download the development version as a zip file here : .

Bild von gadgetdoctor

I'm on the latest version now

I'm on the latest version now and I still can't work out how to quit this App! I'm stuck with waba.applet.Applet running and it won't respond to force quit and I can't work out what the process ID is to kill it with.

Bild von mdeweerd

I suggest to use the 'J2SE'

I suggest to use the 'J2SE' version on Mac/PC - I do not have control over the 'waba version exit'.

To find the process ID, you need to look for a java execution. I do not know if 'pgrep java' works on mac, nor if there is an equivalent of 'xkill' (kill an app by clicking in it).

To run the J2SE version on mac from the zip, do 'bt747_macosX_j2se.command'.

If you have trouble running through webstart on Mac (I did not realize that you were on Mac) with the connection, maybe I need to review the jnlp setup. Can you provide me the machine identification information that you see in the 'INFO' tab (first 10 lines or so of the log text).

Does the normal webstart version connect?

I may have some further requests depending on these replies.

Bild von gadgetdoctor

I am on a Mac.

And I'm an idiot... got it to connect, looked way down the list of what to connect to and found all my bluetooth devices.

Now I can't get it to convert the track path to anything... No output files created. On the other version I just pushed the buttons and it spat it out.
The terminal fills with "writing to a closed file".

A point about the UI. The other version with buttons for each file format is way better than a select box and then a click. Way too much mouse work. The simpler UI with one button per output file is much better.

I am on a Mac.

I'm trying to use the J2SE version but I can't get it to connect. The other version works perfectly but when I press connect (after selecting Bluetooth for Mac) I get the following in the terminal. I don't understand why it's looking for SLAB_USBtoUART when I know I'm selecting Bluetooth:

Info: trying to open /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
at gps.connection.GPSRxTxPort.openPort(Unknown Source)
at gps.connection.GPSrxtx.setBluetoothAndOpen(Unknown Source)
at bt747.model.Controller.setBluetooth(Unknown Source)
at bt747.j2se_view.BT747Main.access$300(Unknown Source)
at bt747.j2se_view.BT747Main$6.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

Bild von mdeweerd

Bluetooth / Buttons

At least you solved part of the problem ;-)

Regarding the bluetooth connection - I'll check that out. In the mean time you can also type the port name directly (in stead of selecting Bluetooth for Mac). When setting "Bluetooth for Mac", the application tries to guess the port. If that works on the other 'PDA like' version, there is probably a mistake in the J2SE interface.

Regarding the 'one button per output format'. I agree that the 'PDA like' version is a minimum click version which is mostly tailored for myself ;-). I have an idea on how to add that to the J2SE desktop.

Regarding the conversion - did you set the device type to Holux M241? I suppose that this is what you have. This is required for successfull conversion in all cases with Holux.

Bild von gadgetdoctor

OK: Bluetooth now works fine

OK: Bluetooth now works fine via the J2SE interface and connections are easy to start, stop and (unlike before with the PDA interface) even restart. Great.

Now the problem is I can't do any conversions in J2SE. If I open up the PDA interface and point to the same bin file (from my Holux M241) then the conversions are fine. The J2SE takes a long time, writes "Writing to closed file" many times to the terminal and then fails with the No output files were created! warning.

I have selected Holux M-241 from the drop down, the date range is set from 1982 to now and I haven't messed with any other options on the filter page. I have tried selecting output to one file or one per track or one per day which makes no difference.

I've also noticed the following in the terminal from the J2SE version:

92367 - Invalid time:-1441660669
Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
92368 - Invalid time:-1441660669
Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)

I'm thinking I should clear the present track from my Holux and start with a new one. Perhaps all this back and forth has left some corrupted stuff in the bin file? Let me know.

The PDA version, while working fine, does write the following to the terminal:
found in$JarURLInputStream@9444d1
10635 - 10635 - Invalid time:-1441660669
10635 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
10635 - 10635 - Invalid time:-1441660669
10635 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
10725 - 10725 - Invalid time:-1441660669
10725 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
10725 - 10725 - Invalid time:-1441660669
10726 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
10816 - Conversion done
35170 - 35170 - Invalid time:-1441660669
35171 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
35171 - 35171 - Invalid time:-1441660669
35171 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
35257 - 35257 - Invalid time:-1441660669
35257 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
35257 - 35257 - Invalid time:-1441660669
35257 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
35351 - Conversion done
148681 - 148681 - Invalid time:-1441660669
148681 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
148682 - 148682 - Invalid time:-1441660669
148682 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
148895 - 148895 - Invalid time:-1441660669
148895 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
148895 - 148895 - Invalid time:-1441660669
148895 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
149450 - 149450 - Invalid time:-1441660669
149450 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
149450 - 149450 - Invalid time:-1441660669
149451 - Bad record @11000(0002C2BD)
149649 - Conversion done

Bild von mdeweerd

There is a single bad record

There is a single bad record in your case. This is not unusual to happen with the Holux M241. I received some log files with more errors than just one.

There is likely another problem - either a setting that is different or a difference in some 'system functions'. You can send your log file to me and I'll have a look (my e-mail is in the about box of the app). ""Writing to closed file" is not something that should happen.

Bild von mdeweerd

Writing to closed file.

In the development version I also get writing to closed file when writing to 'KMZ' output and multiple output files.
Single output file works for KMZ.

I'll fix that.

Bild von mdeweerd

KMZ output fixed

I fixed the KMZ output and added extra buttons for fast conversion in 1.64.4.

Bild von gadgetdoctor

I looked for your email bug its not in the about box

Maybe it's not in the Mac version. I want to send you my bin file. I now can't get either version of the software to do anything.

I cleared the memory of the Holux today but I can't get it to convert. I have managed to download records.

Email me: mail at the gadget doctor dot com (no spaces in thegadgetdoctor)