Not able to download tracks with Holux M-241 firmware 1.13

I recently updated my Holux M-241 to firmware 1.13. From that moment, no tracks are downloaded, although the GUI shows that some points have been logged. They don't appear in the GUI table view or translate to gpx. I'm using V2.X.1527 with Windows Vista and USB.
Attached is an image of the GUI screen and a zip file with modified extension includes the logs and downloaded files from the unit. Excuse me if this violates forum policies.

Bild von mdeweerd

You should be able to attach

You should be able to attach zips normally using Webfm.

I am not sure, but my guess is that you downloaded the Holux_M241.trl file using BT747.
In that case, you should not name the extension '.trl' which is the Holux utility format. The extension is used to convert a trl file downloaded previously with the Holux utility.
You should give the file a '.bin' extension and then, after setting the device type to Holux M241 for conversion, you should get valid points.

The gpsRawDebug.txt shows that data was downloaded from the device so "No tracks are downloaded" seems an incorrect statement. I think that you mean that after downloading you are not able to convert to tracks (due to the extension).

Thanks a lot. You were

Thanks a lot. You were absolutely right. Changing the extension allowed me to convert the track to gpx.

Thanks again.