Track and Waypoint panel

Bild von gd.nijenhuis


On the left side of the screen there are two icons (4th and 5th) wich do nothing. On the site of Dirk Haase I saw that they show the tracks and the waypoints. This is very interesting! How can I enable these tabs ?


Bild von mdeweerd

These tabs are added when you

These tabs are added when you do a track conversion.

Bild von gd.nijenhuis

What kind of conversion do

What kind of conversion do You mean ? If I convert a .bin file to a gpx or nmea (on the Log operations tab by using the GPX button or NMEA button), nothing happens (only the gpx or nmea file is created).

[update:] Never mind. I looked in the source code and found after some seaching that the GUI button must be used to get the panels (geotagging foto's also seems to work, but I didn't try that).

Bild von mdeweerd

Hi   You are right - I am so



You are right - I am so used to doing first a 'GUI' click before doing anything else that I forgot that the other actions do not create the track in the GUI.  So I agree that you need to use the GUI button.