If Java not installed, go to Application / Add. Enter Java in Search. Now you have the choice between OpenJava and SunJava. BT747 works with both of them. A driver is not needed, its included in the Linux-kernel used by ubuntu. In the last step, you get BT747 to your comptuer. Go to the webinstall-page and try or install BT747. Or if you like to have all files on your local computer, go to the BT747-Sourceforge-page and download the current stable version. Unzip the content and run the desktop-version by clicking on „run_j2se.sh“ The correct port should be detected automaticaly by using "USB (for Linux, Mac)" - please connect and turn on the logger before you start BT747. For 64 bit, the same procedure should work because the startup script is improved and RXTX2.2pre binaries are joined.
Note for OpenSuse 11.2 and Ubuntu 10.04 with connection problems
for people with OpenSuse or Ubuntu having problems connecting to the logger:
the rxtx libraries need write access to /var/lock , to solve this add your user to the uucp group and change the group ownership of the /var/lock directory:
sudo nano /etc/group
#search for uucp and append your username to this line
sudo chgrp -R uucp /var/lock
log out of your X-Session and log in again (or just reboot). Now you should be able to connect providing the tty you see in dmesg (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0).
dmesg | grep tty
Changes in opensuse 12.1
Opensuse changed the ownership of /var/lock to the group lock in OpenSuse 12.1.
So to make things work again just follow the instructions above - but add your username in /etc/group after the group lock.
To be more generic (for other distributions) just check with
ls -ld /var/lock
the group ownership of this directory and add your user to that group.
Thank you for the update.
Thank you for the update.