Holux GR 245 bricked after use BT747 ?

Bild von Jimbo

I used bt747 on my Mac with my new Holux 245.

After several test, the data logger doesn't response. 

I make a hard reset, the screen turn off but impossible to turn on again.

Is it possible bt747 bricked my Holux ?

Any idea to resolve my problem ?

Thanks you,


Bild von mdeweerd

Hi Up to now all reports


Up to now all reports where user thought BT747 'bricked' the device, the device itself was at fault.

In your case, the solution usually was to remove the battery.  If the battery can not be removed, you need to leave the device on for long enough untill the battery is empty.
Some firmwares have been seen to 'lockup' in some way that could not be repeated.  I would normally expect that a hard reset is the same as removing the battery, but that is not always the case.

Further you could record the communication log with the device.  The USB chip is independent of the GPS system itself, so you can make the serial connection before making the hard reset.
In BT747 you activate the communication log by activating 'GPS Connection Debug' in the Settings menu.  That will create a 'gpsRawDebug.txt' file.

Further I never exclude that BT747 could 'brick the device' somehow even if the probability is low.  It would be interesting that you list what kind of operations you did using BT747.

Bild von Jimbo

I removed the battery all the

I removed the battery all the night, but it doesn't work... Not enougth ?

I don't have the trace when the problem happend.


But now :

Ci dessous vous trouvez des informations utiles au débug


5245 - BT747 2.X.1719M Build:BT747_mdeweerd.1719M.20100430225423541

5245 - Initial: 1090x569  Screen: 1280x800 Final: 1090x569

5245 - Mac OS X

5246 - x86_64

5246 - 10.6.3

5246 - 1.6.0_17

5246 - 64

5246 - Planté javax.swing.plaf.mac.MacLookAndFeel

Planté com.apple.mrj.swing.MacLookAndFeel

Succès apple.laf.AquaLookAndFeel






26151 - Classgps.connection.GPSRxTxPort

26177 - Port opened

26187 - Attempting saving settings to /Users/jimmy/BT747SettingsJ2SE.pdb

26216 - Writing settings success for /Users/jimmy/BT747SettingsJ2SE.pdb

Timeout: 99544-95537>4000

99546 - No ack:PMTK182,2,12

99547 - >PMTK182,7,001F0006,00000004 true

Timeout: 103550-99547>4000

103551 - No ack:PMTK182,7,001F0006,00000004

103551 - >PMTK182,2,9,9F true

Timeout: 107551-103551>4000

107552 - No ack:PMTK182,2,9,9F

107552 - >PMTK182,2,10 true

Timeout: 111555-107552>4000

111556 - No ack:PMTK182,2,10

111556 - >PMTK182,2,8 true

Timeout: 115558-111556>4000

115560 - No ack:PMTK182,2,8

115561 - >PMTK182,2,2 true

Bild von mdeweerd

Removing the battery for 10

Removing the battery for 10 seconds should be enough in those cases ;-).

Regarding the trace: you can create a file for what you do now.  Regarding the past, I was refering to using your memory to indicate the kind of operations you did using BT747 to get an idea of what might fail.

The gpsRawDebug.txt file should be in the 'output folder'.

The trace that you copied from the 'Info' window indicates that the device does not respond to requests.  That does not mean that nothing is happening on the serial link which is something to check.

Bild von Jimbo

Thanks for your

Thanks for your response.

This is the actual debug file. 

I think the last action I do is activate the logger.

I tried to use the update firmware under Windows, the software detect the com port but it indicate that the device doesn't response.
There is a way to force a firmware update to reinitialize the device ?

File gpsRawDebug.txt40.49 KB
Bild von Jimbo

Thanks for your

Thanks for your response.

This is the actual debug file. 

I think the last action I do is activate the logger.

I tried to use the update firmware under Windows, the software detect the com port but it indicate that the device doesn't response.
There is a way to force a firmware update to reinitialize the device ?

File gpsRawDebug.txt40.49 KB
Bild von mdeweerd

The Firmware update is a bit

The Firmware update is a bit tricky.  You need to swith on the logger and start the procedure at almost the same time (at least, that was a long gone experience with my iBlue 747).

The device is not very talkative - did you switch it on/off while the debug was active?  That would help us see the startup message - if any.


Further, it could be that the baud rate is not the expected one - try setting other rates like 9600, 38400, 115200.

Bild von Jimbo

I tried the different

I tried the different bitrate. Same result.

I can't switch to on or off. The screen is definitively blank.

I tried to update the firmware with the "rescue" procedure without success.

Bild von mdeweerd

The update procedure does not

The update procedure does not report any kind of success whatsoever?!

I am a bit 'dry' for remote suggestions (if it were my own, I would open up the device and measure 'inside').

Bild von Jimbo

I have a message indicate it

I have a message indicate it failed.

I already open it to remove the battery. So I can do it again. But for what ?

I didn't see any switch or any contact to reset. I take any idea ;-)

Bild von mdeweerd

If you need to open the

If you need to open the device to remove the battery, then I would do so when starting the firmware upload procedure.

My logic is that the device can be in an invalid state and that removing the battery briefly also resets memory, then I try to enter the firmware update (which on the other device is checked at the startup).

This is of course total guesswork, but I've been successful on several occasions in the past with such 'procedures' when all else fails.

Bild von Jimbo

I remove the battery and

I remove the battery and after several tries, I success.

The procedure (Maybe right with the battery) :

- Compel update (as the Holux update documentation)

- Select the firmware

- Execute update

- Hard reset (Power on and right button) just before the process installation.

It works again !!!

Thanks a lot for your help !!!

Bild von mdeweerd

Happy to see that it works

Happy to see that it works again.  this is the first time that a firmware 'update' is actually needed to get a device working again.

Thanks for the recap of how you got it working.

Push all 6 buttons

Push all 6 buttons simultaneously for a reset.  :-)

Same problem here – but it

Same problem here – but it works without removing (and opening the hardware), the trick is to push power and right button while you are doing the Compel Update as described. It took serveral times for me to get it working.

The bricked "mode" is definitively caused by BT747. I try to reproduce and send you the log file.

Bild von mgear

My GPSport 245 also has been

My GPSport 245 also has been bricked after bt747. Now I can't connect to it with ezupdate. It tells

"Timeout! Please re-execute software and re-connect device and confirm COM Port!"

Windows sees the device. When I plug it on, the COM4 appears, plug off - disappears, but no connection either.

People who brought it to life, please tell: was it problem just to connect to? I can't get to the firmware selection point :( Of course I've been changing baud rate, pressing power+right but without any success.

Many thanks, Mike.

Bild von mdeweerd

Hi This is an issue with the


This is an issue with the firmware - removing or emptying the firmware should fix it.

Bild von mgear

But how can I do that?

But how can I do that? Ezupdate doesn't connect to Holux and it's window's part about the firmware is disabled.

I disconnected the battery several times. Power + right arrow seems do nothing. The screen is blank.

I've been doing the attempts changing the interval between hard reset and clicking the connect button, but nope. Holux is dead as faraoh's mummy. Ezupdate doesn't connect at any speed. I changed the port settings in the control panel.

The guys up here reported about the successful de-bricking but I'm still in trouble.

Bild von mdeweerd

Just let the device on until

Just let the device on until the battery is empty (not connected to the computer).

Bild von mgear

mdeweerd, I dissassembled it

mdeweerd, I dissassembled it and disconnected the battery several times, but got no success at all.

Bild von mdeweerd

That is very unusual and is a

That is very unusual and is a different problem in that case.

Is everything else (besides the connection) working on the device?

Make sure that you do not have a bluetooth communication running at the same time as the USB connection.

You can log the communication with the device in the settings (Debug gps connection) which will write a gpsRawDebug.txt file in the output directory.

However, if the device communicates, you should at least see the time evolving in the BT747 interface.

Bild von mgear

It doesn't work at all. The

It doesn't work at all. The display is dead, doesn't even blink. But the virtual COM port is created when the device is attached, so something's working inside it, maybe the DC power only. With the battery disconnected the COM port is not created, respectively. While the display is blank and the connection can't be established I don't know if it's completely dead or it's partly alive.

Though the port is created but there's no link there, nor data being transferred, so the log is empty.

So I wonder is there any boot-ROM there, resque mode or so? Or it has the flash memory only and I killed the boot loader, too? It's very sad if so.

Bild von mdeweerd

Hi The USB is probably a


The USB is probably a hardware USB to serial bridge not controlled by the core firmware which explains why it is found.

The program is in (internal) flash memory.  There is surely a procedure to load it - possible similar to the method used for the other devices, but you'll need to get the firmware (potentially from another user that would read his device), but I can't check the procedure to reflash the device as I do not have it.

I have same symptoms as in

I have same symptoms as in http://www.bt747.org/article/holux-gr-245-bricked-after-use-bt747#commen... . Nothing helps... Updater connects to logger, but there is no response...

Bild von mgear

Dzintars, there's no solution

Dzintars, there's no solution for us here, as far I could research. At least my holux still dead. Yet more sad the fact that it's not the completely mine. And the most sad thing is that it's my friend's... That's the story...

So BT747 is not safe to use

So BT747 is not safe to use with the Holux 245? Or is it only the Mac version that has issues? Or only some firmwares?

Seems like a great program and I'd like to use it if possible.

Solution by Jimbo works! It

Solution by Jimbo works! It is also desribed in ezUpdate User Manual, downloaded with the update (pages 9-11). The key is to reset device and immediately hit Execute (but don't try to do this in the same moment - reset and then hit exec). Removing battery is unnecessary.

I bricked my gr245 on windows, possibly after trying uploading agps update.

So GPSort 245 ist also dead.

So GPSort 245 ist also dead. Thanks to BT747.

The Screen is dead nothing helps. Resetting with Right and On Button isn't working. The Update Flasher can't find the device nor can it connect to. So my Holus is trash now.

I Hope the Programer of BT747 has a good insurance for destroying other peoples devices. Its an absolute shame for publishing a software that kills peoples devices. And no excuses from him!! Pull this shitty software from the servers and gimme back my money I spend on the Holux. Bought it for my ICELAND Trip and now it is a worthless piece of plastic thanks to this awful software BT747. 

Bild von mdeweerd

Hi Bastian I understand that

Hi Bastian

I understand that you are upset that your device is unuseable.

I'ld like to point out that correlation is not causation.  A device can break down for several reasons and when that happens at the time that you have used BT747, that does not mean that BT747 is the cause.


For instance: the flashing procedure of a device is or should be done in such a way that one can flash the device whatever happens.  As a user indicates above, you need to launch the flash procedure just after - and possibly even just before - powering on the device.  On power on the device has to detect that it should be flashed - otherwise it continues standard "boot".  It should be like the PC - the BIOS allows you to do certain things like boot from a CD in stead of the hard disk without any OS installed on the harddisk.

There is no good reason whatsoever that a hardware device should be bricked because of regular commands sent to it.  BT747 does nothing to flash the device and using the same configuration commands as those found in the manufacturer SW.  If commands are causing the device to become inoperative, the device is at fault, not the software.  However, I agree that the SW could be built to circumvent the causes but I don't know of any.

I have been wondering if I should pull the SW of the servers or not.  Sourceforge counts close to 30000 downloads in a year, but there are alternative channels to get BT747.  All of these yearly downloads boil down to just (not) enough to pay for this web service. Given that count of downloads, the number of devices reported to be bricked due to BT747 seems too low to me to justify that these correlations are causality.  But if users start claiming money from opensource authors not making money from the SW, then this is a case to stop providing SW for free.  Luckilly for me, the Software is provided "AS IS" without Warranty of any Kind and even software that you pay for is generally provided under very close conditions.

So if you still feel that I should take the SW down, it is an easy operation.  But before, I guess that I'll put it to vote.  Despite the income, I still consider the users and I hope BT747 has been, is and will be a valuable open source contribution paying back for all the free (opensource) software that I use myself.  I hope that I am using some of your contributions too.

How do I get the Holux Gr-245

How do I get the Holux Gr-245 to work with mac ?