installing BT747 on fossil OS

Bild von z_z_z

For the group: this is a message I sent to the webmaster and, as he recommended, here it is:

Dear Sir,

I've recently bought two GPS loggers: an iBlue 747A+ and a Qstarz Q1000XT.
I'm running a desktop computer with Windows 2000 Pro SP4 installed and also use a Fujitsu-Siemens LOOX 720 PDA running Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (ver. 4.21).

I first spent lot of time to make the memory download working on Windows 2000. Although the GPS were configurable with the utilities (GPSViewer & MtkDLut), CRC errors were exhibited when attempting to d/l the memory.
I checked both GPS on a friend's computer, under XP, and both were fine.
Searching Internet pointed out the usbser.sys bug of Windows 2000. Shall I add that during my further investigations, I fried the usb port of the 747A+. I installed a Blue Tooth dongle and everything went fine with the two GPS.

Then, the new problem is that I had to install the application software of both GPS brands: GPS photo tagger and Qtravel (same GPS selective customized software) to get access to the track management. Qtravel not working on Win2000 ended with a complete garbage of all the drivers and the two installed applications. I've now recovered everything yet.

Now I'd like to have only one application allowing to configure the GPS and download my tracks. I'm afraid again to fool around, especially with Java, which I know nothing. Your software appears as _the solution_.

=> Please would you tell me what versions of Java and BT747 would fit my old configuration ?

Second, for the pocket PC, all the applications I found were written for Windows Mobile 5 at least.

=> Is your software working with Windows Mobile 2003 SE (ver 4.21).

For my PDA, SuperWaba is proposed in two versions one for ARM processor, the second for Windows Mobile.

=> Which one shall I download ?

Finally, I didn't use the forum because this question is very specific and I'd not like to pollute the board.
Let me know if I shall move my question to the forum. I'll do it.

Thanks in advance and best regards


With his reply, of course ...


Starting with your last comment.  Personally I think that specific questions also belong on a forum - unless the question is 'personal' (not to be shared with others).  Despite of a question being specific, there are many people on this planet and somebody might want to do exactly the same thing as you - or almost the same thing.  In both cases, a forum entry increases the probability of finding some hints. On Windows 2000, 'any version' should do.  However, you can try this version:  - or download the zip file.  There are two kinds of 'RXTX' 'drivers' and that is the 'oldest' one.  Supported java should be 1.5 (and even 1.4).  If you have trouble using Java 1.5, let me know - I am not checking the compatibility all the time, but I can fix that.


I' am surprised that you actually fried the USB port.  If you have a reference on how that is done, I am interested in that. 


Regarding your PDA - IMHO you should be able to run it.  First install the VM (get it from ) - Either PocketPC or WindowsMobile (my guess is PocketPC).  Your processor is a "Intel XScale PXA272".   According to that is an ARM implementation, so try PocketPC_ARM.


 Once the VM is installed, you can install the CAB in the 'dist' directory (in the zip distribution) - in principle the 'INSTALL.BAT' should work to install BT747 on your PDA.


 Selecting the right port number on the PDA is a bit tricky, especially with Windows Mobile.  You have to 'map' the device to a serial port first and then use that port number in BT747.


Kind regards Mario

Bild von z_z_z

Now the reply to the response

Now the reply to the response embedded in the previous message.

Sorry for the trouble !

Thanks Mario for such a quick reply.

I'm not at all familiar with java sorry for the questions, which replies are evident for the specialists.

I already downloaded the "" because it is the recommended version working with the PDA that will also be processed further. I unrared it.The Readme files says to launch "run_j2se.bat" that looks to call java procedures. Java isn't installed yet.

In the root dir, thare are also several executable files, except the 64-bit versions, remain BT747.exe and BT747cmd.exe (Console version I assume). When launched, a message says that Java run time 1.5 needs to be installed and a web page opens, pointing to free java version 6 update 21 (16 MB for the off line installation file). No indication of run time ver 1.50. Is this the java version I have to install before BT747 ?

When installed, I think that the next step shall be to launch "run_j2se.bat" and not any other executable. Correct ?

The rest tomorrow. It's time to go to bed !


You have to install java

You have to install java first - Java 6 is V1.6 runtime and Java 5 is V1.5 runtime - Java 6 will be ok.

There are several ways to start BT747 - you can use run_j2se.bat, or BT747.exe (when you have a 64bit java, you should use BT747_64b.exe).  BT747cmd.exe and BT747cmd_64b.exe are command line versions (but will launch the GUI if no command line options are provided).

Bild von z_z_z

Thanks a lot.   I think I

Thanks a lot.


I think I missed one step Mario was telling:

Is this a java script that fetches the good version of BT747 over internet and automatically installs it ? So, provided I downloaded the full version, I don't need to use this link, correct ?


Then, about the driver, I'm confused by the variety of drivers around the GPS.

First, the GPS software (CD ROM) calls Windows for the installation of its usbser.sys to get access to the GPS. unfortunately this driver has a bug under windows 2000. I got rid of it by Blue tooth and the BT serial driver instead. => OK, understood.

Second, in order to use the utilities (GPSViewer and MktDLut), no other driver is necessary. => sounds also OK for me.

Third, the installation of the iBlue GPS Photo Tagger application asks to install Silicon Lab CP210X driver and doesn't impose the location on the disk. => this driver only looks necessary for this specific application. What role has it ? Why do the utilities above not need it ?

Fourth, BT747 also contains drivers RXTX. => The documentation, chapter Windows, step 3 talks about both RXTX and Sil Lab drivers that seem associated. However RXTX are not the same files as Sil Labs drivers. Is that another layer ?

Back to Sil Lab, nowhere on the GPS CD, the Silicon labs drivers do clearly appear, except within the GPS Photo Tagger installation file that I succeded to decompress with UniExtract.

May, please, somebody clarify ?0

Especially where shall I install Sil Lab drivers ans RXTX as well and How ?

Thanks in advance and best regards

Bild von mdeweerd

  0. You already need to have


0. You already need to have 'java web start' installed.  Once that is available, the 'jnlp' file can be interpreted and 'java web start' will take care of getting a suitable java version and get the application files.
In this case - if you allow it - java web start will add application shortcuts to your OS and BT747 can work 'offline'.

  1. Tried to find information about the USBSER.SYS bug, but I did not find usefull information;
  2. The driver is needed by the OS to present the USB connection as a Virtual Serial Port.  Once the driver is installed, any application can see the GPS as a serial device.
  3. The Silicon Labs CP2103 was used in earlier devices.  That is a USB-Serial bridge.  The latest MTKII seems to have the USB built in.  The Photo Tagger application is shipped with older and newer devices and simply installs all the drivers it might (indirectly) need.
  4. There is no reason to put the Silicon Labs driver on the CD for the newer devices - that is probably the explication.
  5. RXTX is a Java to Native Serial Communications bridge.  Java is supposed to be platform independent and Sun did not define a library for serial communications by default.  They once made a 'Sun' library for serial communications but that is supported only on Windows - hence somebody made an opensource implementation that is still around today and continues to evolve (slowly, but it does).
  6. RXTX is 'installed' with BT747 - no need to install that specifically.
Bild von z_z_z

Thanks a lot for all these

Thanks a lot for all these explanations.

I have not much time at the moment, I'll give a try during the next week end.

Best regards

Bild von z_z_z

Hello, I installed


I installed SuperWaba5.85 (superwaba.PocketPC_ARM.CAB) on my Pocket PC with Cab Install, chosing the directory. For installing programs, I never used the Windows installer that doesn't work with my PDA.

Then I got BT747.PocketPC_ARM.CAB from (\dist\ directory) and installed it the same way.

It ended with BT747.pdb (350KB, for Palm OS ???) in the target directory I created and BT747.exe (12 kB) in Windows\Start Menu\Programs. An icon pointing to BT747.exe has been placed in the Program window called by the "Start" "program" menu of the PDA opening window.

Alone, Superwaba works fine: Welcome screen and options.

When I click on the BT747 icon, Superwaba starts and a message error is displayed, saying:


SuperWaba error

'Can't access app classes'

Please notify this program's author.

For more information, see the debugConsole.txt file inside the program's folder.


Of course the debugConsole.txt file doesn't exist !


* In the \dist\directory of the full installation file, except the HP and the other processor cab files, there are some other .jar files I suspect I should copy on the PDA. They are:


I did it , uncessfully.




don't point to the files above. I suspect they shouldn't be needed on the PDA.


* On SuperWaba side there's another cab:

Superwaba.WindowsMobile.CAB I didn't try yet.


At this step, I'm not so skilled with the PDA, especially with Java. I'd be pleased to get some help.

Thanks in advance and best regards

Bild von mdeweerd

Hi Normally that should work


Normally that should work - I do not have an emulator on my current PC so I can't try it immediatelly.

Please try the 1.68.X version - that's been around for a long while and should work.

The debugConsole.txt file is either in the Superwaba installation folder or in the BT747 folder.  The 'pdb' is normal - you can consider it a kind of 'jar' (=java archive)  for SuperWaba.

Bild von z_z_z

Thanks for the quick reply.

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll give a try.

However, the directories seem to be rather empty

BT747 contains the pdb only.

Superwaba has no subdirectories and it contains 12 files. That looks surprizing, no ?

No debug console. I made a search for *console* and *debug*.


Bild von z_z_z

Hi, 1.68 works however it


1.68 works however it doesn't like directories other than default ones. Not possible to get it working from the SD Card.

I began to d/l the 747A+ memory, it froze after 30 min, at 50% (blue bar).

Also takes ages to change from "to plt" button to "to NMEA" button, same with other combinations

I changed the default log directory. It doesn't support CtrlC/CtrlV.

Clicking on the OK button, freezes the application, I need to turn off then on the PDA, the BT747 window is still here and suddenly the frozen buttons change. I had to soft reset several times the PDA.

I probably did something wrong but what ??


Thanks in advance and best regards



Bild von z_z_z

Hi again, I went a little bit

Hi again,

I went a little bit forward with the application.

In fact the PDA doesn't freeze, it takes time for the conversion. As nothing tells that it's working, I thought it was frozen.

I also changed the chunk size. tried 65536, 32000, 16000. It seems to work faster with 32000 but this is very subjective. Is there a way to compute the size with more accuracy ?

However, even i smart mode, it remains 10 times slowest than MktDlut that takes 2 mn 26 to download the same amount of memory with the Blue Tooth link.

A good progress, I think that at the moment, I'm feeling falling in love with it !

The black spot is the d/l speed.





Bild von mdeweerd

Downloading on the PDA using

Downloading on the PDA using bluetooth is not the same as downloading on the PC using bluetooth.  I think that it is related to reception buffers, ... .  Try downloading on the PC using BT747 - the algorithm is the same, but performance is not.

Because the behaviour on different portable devices depends on the device, I have left some options configureable to the user.  The values for these options can not be 'computed'.  If a length of 32000 is better for you, so be it.  Sometimes a very small value is the best (2000).  Under a length of 2048, the 'read ahead' value starts to play - that value says how many requests are 'pipelined'.  I did not work on making conversion progress visible on the PDA or make it interruptable on the PDA.  It is not so easy to do (there is no real multithreading).