bug: nmea outputting new files in eternal loop

Bild von jki

I've manged to get the bt747 desktop app into an eternal loop creating new nmea output files until killed.

This happens when record number filter is active (I've only tried high and low with date filter bound to today), clicking "NMEA" in Log Operations->Convert area writes GPSDATA-20100811.nmea as its supposed to, but it also outputs GPSDATA-20100811_WPT.nmea and GPSDATA-20100811_1531_WPT_WPT.nmea and GPSDATA-20100811_WPT_WPT_WPT.nmea etc in an eternal loop until I kill it. There are only RCR='T' type records in the filtered area, but in the unfiltered logs there are some 'B' records that I leave as start & end markers while logging.

The Content of all these nmea files is identical. This only happens with nmea output, not with gpx, csv, html, kml, kmz. The "Abort" button has no effect.


As a side note it would make my workflow or downloading, checking in gui, cropping near buttonstamps and saving, quite a bit more convenient if some small details were a bit different or could be configured:

- the rec nbr filter values should reset to zero at startup,

- rec nbr filter start/end record numbers (or second-accurate date filter start/end time) could be set directly from the Track view list (e.g. from a right click menu or by selecting the row and pressing a GUI button or a keyboard shortcut),

- date filter start time would default to "today" instead of 1983 (I'm sure 'Today' wouldn't be a good default for most users, but I find myself always doing those 3 clicks and precision navigations in the calendar to narrow it down to my latest log) and if there were buttons to increment/decrement the dates by one day.

- track view had a "find" feature (in my case to find the next RCR='B' record).

2040 - BT747 2.X.1764 Build:BT747_mdeweerd.1764.20100807204524179
2041 - Initial: 1019x582  Screen: 1680x1050 Final: 1019x582
2041 - Linux
2041 - amd64
2041 - 2.6.31-22-generic
2041 - 1.6.0_20
2041 - 64

Bild von mdeweerd

Thanks for reporting the bug

Thanks for reporting the bug - I hate bugs so it should be fixed in a new build (2.X.1765)  [not tested, based on analysis].  This got introduced after a feature requested by another user recently.

Regarding your feature request:

  • Resetting the record number to 0 is something I can do (not done in the bug fix build);
  • Good idea for the start/end - not too much work to add that in the track list view.
  • I would leave the start filter date to 1983 to make sure that the user selects everything in the log by default, but I could do something to set the date of the popup to the current date by default if the 1983 date is still there.
  • Increment/Decrement date buttons: good idea (as long as I can keep that small enough).
  • To be propped in the right click menu too and as keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-left/right ?).

I'll have to make some time for some of this stuff though.  Be patient and remind me from time to time ;-).

Bild von jki

Looks like the fix works, I

Looks like the fix works, I tried 2.X.1765 with the same raw log and it works correctly now. Thank you!

No worries, I'm sure you have plenty of other things to do with your time :)

Btw, Ctrl-left/right is not a very good shortcut for me unless it's configurable. I've been using Ctrl+arrows for virtual desktop switching since fvwm1 in mid 90's and so far there's only been one app (projectx) that has conflicted enough to bother me so I'll estimate it's not a very common shortcut either ;)

Bild von mdeweerd

Ok, I'll see when I get

Ok, I'll see when I get around to it.