enable "Test SBAS" from cell phone

mkuem's picture


I'm using BT747 for quite some time and I really like it. However, I miss the possiblity to enable "Test SBAS" in my Holux m-241 from my cellphone. From the pc this is possible, but the m-241 does not remember this setting, thus I have to reenable it everytime I switch it on, even when I just had to change the battery. Is this possible, or did I just miss the option?


mdeweerd's picture

Possible, not missed

Most desktop functionality (except map, gpx reading, kmz output) can be made readily available in the J2ME version. It is a matter of putting it in the GUI.

I've put the essentials in the GUI because it does take some effort of course.

I did not think that the Test SBAS would be important. These sats do not necessarily provide good data.

What I propose is to add the store/restore volatile settings to the interface. I'll check if the SBAS setting is considered volatile or not - if not, I'll make it 'volatile'.
Then what you can do is once your Holux is configured as you like it, perform a 'Store Volatile Settings' to save the settings that are lost when removing the battery in to the configuration file on the phone. After that you can do 'restore settings' that will use the previously stored settings and send them to the GPS.

For me this is just 2 buttons to add and yet it covers more settings than available elsewhere. These buttons would do the same as the Store/Restore in the Desktop application because the code is shared.

The door is always open for those that would like to lend a helping hand and add the other functionality to the GUI - it can even be built up from scratch if some other GUI framework is to be used (JPolish, ...).

mdeweerd's picture

Test SBAS is volatile

According to the comment in my code, Test SBAS is indeed volatile, as well as these other settings:
// "Volatile" settings of the MTK loggers:
// - Log conditions;
// - Time, Speed, Distance[3x 4 byte]
// - Log format; [4 byte]
// - Fix period [4 byte]
// - SBAS /DGPS / TEST SBAS [byte, byte, byte]
// - Log overwrite/STOP [byte, byte]
// - NMEA output [18 byte]

Log conditions & log format are not 'really' volatile, but are stored so that you can change conditions temporarily and restore the default ones easily. This does mean however that when you 'restore settigns', you will also revert to the stored log conditions and log format setting.

You can test this in the Desktop version and tell me if it is ok for you.

mdeweerd's picture


BT_J2ME_0_3_20.zip has two menu items added in the logger menu.
It is not perfect yet, but should work.
As long as the new options do not say 'store ...' or 'restore ...' you should not use them. They do not autoupdate - you'll need to exit and reenter the menu to see an update.