I am using the autoupdate development version of bt747 (great software, thanks!) with my recently bought Holux M-1000C AXN_1.0-B_1.3_C01 (01029-00A)
I have the following problems:
(1) When downloading the binary log, Altitude and Speed get misreported. It seems that Altitude is reported as Speed (the values here make sense), not sure what happens to the real Speed (the table shows fractions in the range 1.234E-41 - 1.234E-43),
(2) After downloading the log a few times, the device became corrupted, i.e. bt747 was not able to download the log any more. Clearing the log with the vendor supplied software fixed the problem. I am unable to reproduce this issue.
(3) Erase log does not always work.
Any ideas?
Do you have the same problems
Do you have the same problems with the stable version (1.68.x) ?
Kind regards, Dirk
Several suggestions
Thanks for the compliment ;-).
(a) Dirk makes a good suggestion to try with the stable version (1.68.22 or 1.68.7).
(1) It could be that the log format changed of course which might that I need to update the code. In that case, I'ld need some raw logs - preferably one with speed, one with altitude and one with both.
(2) The device log become corrupted in some cases and I only had a few reports. Dirk had a similar problem, but BT747 correctly detected the situation and after a 'forced erase' the problem was solved.
(3) This is strange, but might be related to (2). If you have this case again, could you activate debugging and keep some logs (including the erase part)?
Kind regards
Do you have the same problems
Do you have the same problems with the stable version (1.68.x) ?
I've just tried it. Altitude -- same story, speed is now always -42.xxx.
As said below, I've tried the
As said below, I've tried the stable version, not much of a difference, I am afraid.
FWIW, I am setting the device to "Holux M-241" in the drop down list in the first tab when downloading/ converting? Is that right?
I'll try to get you the logs. Do you mean one ONLY with speed, one ONLY with alt and one with speed & alt (but nothing else)?
Also, I vague recall some post on the gpsbabel mailing list on Holux changing bin log format -- while reading that post I had the impression it did not pertain to my device but you may wish to see it anyway. Google for: "gpsbabel holux fired" Let me know if you have problems finding it.
It looks like I'll need a sample.
What language do you use for the user interface (hoping that speed and altitude are not simply mixed up in the translation).
Is it the same in several output formats?
Erase problem
(2) The device log become corrupted in some cases and I only had a few reports. Dirk had a similar problem, but BT747 correctly detected the situation and after a 'forced erase' the problem was solved.
(3) This is strange, but might be related to (2). If you have this case again, could you activate debugging and keep some logs (including the erase part)?
I think they *are* related. The reason I am saying this is that more than one time I had the impression that the vendor supplied software saw a different log than bt747 did (as if there was some stale data or something). I'll try to get you the logs when this happens againa.
Speaking of which: in the Holux soft, when you download the log it presents you with "fragments" it has identified (I believe it splits the log when there's more than say 1 hour difference between data points), giving you exact time/date when each fragment starts/ends. You can then download one or more of the log fragments. This is pretty useful in case of M-1000C given that there is not separate log enable button on it and it essentially always starts logging when you turn it on. Any chance to have something similar in bt747 (I might be missing an existing part of functionality, I am new to it -- sorry if this is the case)?
Holux is #[§~@ !!!
It is very likely that the Holux M1000C does not require the Holux M-241. At least up to know I am not aware of any device other than the M-241 requiring that setting.
If you set it, it could indeed result in some strange behaviour but I would not expect you to get a lot of usefull data. Because you do, this is pretty strange.
I did find the post and I agree with them - they should be fired unless their goal is to be incompatible with opensource software.
Of course the GPSport-245 is not the Holux M1000C so it could still be different and looking at how it is with Holux, it will be different.
So if the post is right, then:
a) You do need to set the Holux M-241 setting;
b) BT747 needs a change to support & detect this format;
c) BT747 needs a change to use the device type it is connected to so that it set the right log format (because there too two bits are exchanged, which is more or less logical);
d) I should get some compensation from Holux fo every Mac & Linux user of this device;
e) A lot more could be changed and this means testing with all the log fields acitve and checking their validity.
M-241 setting for M-1000C
This is going to sound funny, but I've been ignoring the Device setting for a some time, until I run into a problem, where bt747 said "No output files were created! This usually means that either: - The filter did not select any points; - The log does not contain any data [...]".
Setting the Device to M-241 let me actually do the conversion.
Similar story for GPSBabel: m241 does work, mtk does not work.
I am preparing the logs now but there seems to be some funny stuff going on -- will keep you updated.
UI Lang is Polish
The user interface language is Polish. Any way to change it, BTW?
I am testing on "GUI Table (in development)" [or whatever it's called in the English UI] -- I tried exporting to CSV, same story.
OK, that's what I got:
- when I record speed only -- I get '0' -- I am not moving so this *might* be OK,
- when I record alt only -- I get something like 300 which seems feasible for where I am at the moment,
- as soon as I try to record BOTH speed and altitude, their values get mangled.
The results above seem to be unaffected by any other fields (I haven't tested all of them, though) I select -- the problem appears only when I select both speed and altitude. Strange...
Where do you want me to send the logs to (if you still need them)?
This is logical. If you do
This is logical. If you do not set this then BT747 will be able to detect the Holux log in some cases. This detection method is not perfect though and this is why this setting is there.
Given the GPSBabel related
Given the GPSBabel related post (on nabble), it looks like at least speed and altitude have their positions exchanged. So that rules out the interface problem (for 99%).
Speed and altitude are reversed
This seems to confirm what was reported elsewhere: speed and altitude are have different positions in the log now.
I am still interested in the logs because I want to look for clues on how to detect the log format.
My email is in the application, but you already know that because you sent a message through the contact form.
Detection logic
This is logical. If you do not set this then BT747 will be able to detect the Holux log in some cases. This detection method is not perfect though and this is why this setting is there.
I must have misunderstood it then. When it says "Default" and MTK is not listed but some specific devices are, I assumed "Default" refers to some "standard" MTK protocol, whereas these devices are listed because they have some quirks that need to be handled in a special way. I somehow never thought that it autodetects anything (and, what does "Default" do in that case?).
Feedback on logs
I just received your logs.
No clue whatsoever that this is another format of course!!!
This means I need to add another device type to BT747.
I would like to have a log with this:
a) HOLUXGR245LOGGER or similar appearing in the log;
b) a few waypoints.
Further I would also like to have a debug transcript (copy of info tab is sufficient). Activate debug before connecting and then wait untill all the values are retrieved. This will help me get the exact device identification information. Maybe I should use that information to set the device when the application is connected for the first time.
New Holux format?
b) BT747 needs a change to support & detect this format;
According to that GPSBabel mailing list post, our Holux pals were at least decent (or lazy) enough to change the magic string identifying the device, so format detection should not be difficult (although I know virtually nothing about it, just a shot in the dark),
d) I should get some compensation from Holux fo every Mac & Linux user of this device;
True. It's also true for Windows users. And, personally, I think that the most useful part of bt747 is the midlet (so that I can enable/ disable logging on my damn Holux when on the go),
e) A lot more could be changed and this means testing with all the log fields acitve and checking their validity.
I'll be happy to help.
change language
You can change the language here:
Default means 'standard MTK
Default means 'standard MTK log by default' and in a more or less undocumented way it does autodetect a holux log in some cases.
A holux log still resembles a standard MTK log, andif special strings occur at the start of the log before any actual position data is logged, BT747 can still switch to Holux decoding which it does graciously. The MTK log decoder and the Holux log decoder are the same, but there is some variation based on the log type.
I should report this to the user you might say, and you are right. However, this kind of messaging does take some effort to implement each time ... This is open source, free software that I develop on my personal time. So while I did add a lot of stuff towards user-friendlyness, I also tend to implementing things I find interesting or necessary.
Language changed
Thanks, that did the trick. Sorry for not doing my homework :)
a) HOLUXGR245LOGGER or similar appearing in the log;
How do I make it appear in the log?
b) a few waypoints.
Will do.
Further I would also like to have a debug transcript (copy of info tab is sufficient).
Check mail, too long to paste it here.
a) HOLUXGR245LOGGER or similar appearing in the log;
The good news is that I was able to get a log with the magic string in it.
The bad news is that I had to erase the device with vendor software first in order to get this log. Erasing with bt747 produces logs that do not contain it.
More bad (?) news is that the string is different than the one you expected, it's HOLUXGR241LOGGER.
a) No good idea. Switch
a) No good idea. Switch on/off a couple of times, log waypoints, change the log format (no erase), ... .
b) Good.
Your device does not respond to "HOLUX241,5", it would be interesting to know if it has other commands (e.g., HOLUX245) which could be discovered through a trace of the serial linke while using the original application.
I thought it was a string for
I thought it was a string for the waypoints, but it is a string for the logger here.
Did you add waypoints to the log?
If you had to use the vendor software, could you get a trace of the serial communication of the vendor software (HDD Serial Port Monitor on windows for example). I could try to do the same in BT747 to get this in the log.
Solution in BT747_2.X.1336M
I modified the 2.X version of BT747 where you need to select the 245 device type for correct format conversion.
To set the log format interactively, you currently probably need to select speed to log the height and vice versa.
Dumping communication
I thought it was a string for the waypoints, but it is a string for the logger here.
Did you add waypoints to the log?
Bear in mind this device only has a stateful on-off switch, so the only way for me to add waypoints is to do it via bt747 midlet. I tried it, the string does not appear in the logs.
If you had to use the vendor software, could you get a trace of the serial communication of the vendor software (HDD Serial Port Monitor on windows for example). I could try to do the same in BT747 to get this in the log.
I'll think how to best do it.
I am using bluetooth (Toshiba stack) on Vista 64 so not sure whether this Free Serial Port Monitor will work in these conditions. I'd like to avoid using USB since Holux decided a data cable was an extra accessory and I am a bit cautious when it comes to connecting their device via usual mini-USB cable.
Pity their software probably does not run on Linux (in Wine) -- I guess I could use hcidump there.
UPDATE: Just checked HHD Free Serial Port Monitor -- it does not seem to run on Vista 64...
Communication log
BT747 has all it needs to know what happens on the serial link (gpsRawDebug.txt log when activated) so there is no need there to use an external tracer.
Too bad that the serial link observer does not work on Viste 64bit. There are surely other tools available.
The bluetooth connection appears as a serial link.
Logging waypoints in J2ME probably does not log a waypoint the 'Holux way' so the string would not appear. You need to log the 'RCR' field to see those waypoints.
Serial log
BT747 has all it needs to know what happens on the serial link (gpsRawDebug.txt log when activated) so there is no need there to use an external tracer.
Not sure I understand what you meant here... I thought we were talking about capturing Holux software logs, not bt747's?
Too bad that the serial link observer does not work on Viste 64bit. There are surely other tools available.
The bluetooth connection appears as a serial link.
Vista 64 bit, unlike any previous edition of Windows, enforces driver signing which eliminates lots of small/ open source vendors.
As for Bluetooth, I vaguely recall there was a protocol sniffer in the Widcomm stack, but it's not an option for me anymore.
Anyway, I captured the logs on a XP machine. I sent you what should be a nicely isolated log of "Clear Device Log" operation in the Holux soft.
Logging waypoints in J2ME probably does not log a waypoint the 'Holux way' so the string would not appear. You need to log the 'RCR' field to see those waypoints.
I think I made sure RCR field was checked. Do you think Holux ezTour does it in a different way than by using RCR?
A whole new protocol...
Yes, we were talking about caputring the Holux vendor transactions, but I thought that you said that you could do the same on BT747 which is not needed.
Thanks for you bunch of logs... It is a whole bunch of new holux commands. Previously they had some commands starting with $HOLUX and now it is $PHLX . This means: extra work for BT747 ...
Maybe the device ignored requests to log waypoints from the application side or it has to be done differently.
hello, I also have an issue
I also have an issue with M-1000C and 2.x: it downloads the log, but when clicking convert says that nothing was found. Stable version seems to work OK.
Actually, even though stable
Actually, even though stable downloads the log, it still fails to parse altitude/speed properly. In beta, smart download always downloads whole file. And neither in "default" protocol nor in "Holux M-1000C" protocol it parses file correctly, always ends up with only two lines instead of 166 in my case.