Hey guys,
is there a software around to watch the position of a plane i am travelling with (gps receiver in handluggage storage, netbook on my chest)?
Offline map data and Bluetooth-GPS-connection to my 747 should be possible (netbook: win7 32bit).
freeware or commercial!
Hi Apart from flight
Apart from flight regulations that may restrict you from using bluetooth communication on a flight, you can do so using BT747 under the condition that you 'visit' the areas that you will fly over.
In the File menu you have a 'Set map cache directory' entry through which you can define the directory where the map tiles will be saved. If that directory exists, BT747 will save all the map tiles that are shown on the screen in there.
It will load the tiles from disk first and request them from the network if they are 'out of date' (older than 7 days). However if there is no network, you will 'just' get the files from disk.
> > is there a software
> is there a software around to watch the position of a plane i am
> travelling
> with (gps receiver in handluggage storage, netbook on my chest)?
> Offline map data and Bluetooth-GPS-connection to my 747 should be
> possible
> (netbook: win7 32bit).
Not enough signal will enter the plane cabin and the receiver will lose
lock. I don't know about the other models but the Qstarz Q1000P doesn't
work at over 1000km/hr and a commercial B747 or A380 can exceed that
ground speed if it gets a tail wind.
I've had mixed results sitting the receiver in my pocket next to the
window of a narrow body domestic flight. If you try and hold the thing
next to the window, the crew get worried about what you are up to. :-)
In theory the bluetooth radio should be shut down in the take-off and
landing phase along with other gadgetry. If you turn it off or let it
sleep, the receiver will lose lock and even if your ground speed is less
than 1000km/hr, it won't be able to require lock, presumably due to the
environment changing too fast for all the GPS math to converge.
I've used BT747 with my Q1000P to track in real time the path of a train
I was riding. I'd 'pre-cached' the route into BT747's tile cache.