What RCR stands for?

michal-100's picture


I'am not english-user (sorry for my language mistakes!) so most of uses abbreviations are difficult to understand for me (someone who know english well can guess th meaning). Could someone explain me what does it meen "RCR"?

Thanks for your help

mdeweerd's picture

Hi This is 'ReCord Reason'.


This is 'ReCord Reason'.  Invented by the original makers (transystem).

michal-100's picture

But is it something connected

But is it something connected with memorizing some interesting points on someone's way, because when I had checked this field I saw on the main screen of BT747 list of gas station, bus stop etc. I thought that these points are called POI (Point Of Interest)..?

And my second question: is it really necessary to save those? I ask because adding this field takes more place in GPS device memory.

Thanks for your patience:)

mdeweerd's picture

The POI's are of different

The POI's are of different types which is represented in the RCR.  The RCR also indicates if the positions was recorded for the Time, Speed and/or Distance condition.

There is no need to store the RCR field if you are not interested in knowing why a position was recorded. 

In my humble opinion, the RCR is only usefull if you want to distinguish button presses or application controlled POI (the 'Gas station, ... that you reference).

Not storing the RCR saves you 2 bytes per position record and increases the amount of records that you can save.

For a similar reason, there is no need to store the 'GPS Fix Type' field - it is better to record the HDOP or PDOP field.  The GPS Fix Type field indicates if the GPS had a position fix and what the type of fix was.  However, if the position was invalid, the HDOP and PDOP fields will have a high value (99.9 if there was no fix).  I use HDOP and the 'Common Filter' to removed inprecise positions.  The limit for HDOP or PDOP depends on the actual device.  For my iBlue 747 A+ I normally use 1.4.  If the 'Valid Only' box is ticked, only positions with a fix will be recorded anyway.