Problems & blank screens on Ubuntu

Bild von dgbdgb

I've been trying to use BT747 on Ubuntu (it's on a eee 910, running Ubuntu 8.04) with Qstarz Q1000 gps. Having difficulties, and not sure why. Not very knowledgeable on Ubuntu either.

Problem is that when I run BT747 it usually results in a blank screen.

If I run the desktop install from the web page on this site, it sometimes works - in that the Java Web Start allows the programme to work, and the trace to be downloaded.

But then when I try and rerun from the Desktop (the install looks to have worked), it just doesn't work - blank screen.

When I go and download and install from the web page on this site, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. I've not detected any obvious pattern to this.

Very weird. Anyone any ideas? At the moment it makes bt747 unusable for me which is sad.



Bild von mdeweerd

Strange indeed

More precise information from logs would be helpfull of course and running the programme from the command line like you want to should help.

In principle web start should work the same way wheter online or not - so that is quite puzzling.

I know that on UBUNTU you can use several types of java - are you using sun java or the open version?

I've been working with another user on Ubuntu and it might help to do:

apt-get install sun-java6-jre
apt-get install librxtx-java

You can try that and report back with more info here.

Kind regards
