Function Overview
- Use the SW on your PDA (and some phones) - No need to have your PC with you to change settings or know the device status;
- Download the log in raw format - the raw format is saved and can be appended to later on (fine grained incremental download) or converted at a later time;
- Archive the logs. You can keep the original 'bin' files and convert them at any later time. It is not required to be connected to the device to convert. You can name the file after the date or the trip that is logged in it.
- Convert the log to CSV, KML, GPX, NMEA, Google Maps (single HTML file), CompeGPS (TRK), or PLT (OziExplorer) format (CSV is improved over the original application);
- Define the name and location of output (input) files ;
- Get one output file per day in the log file;
- Automatically seperate tracks.
- Subtract the difference between the MSL (geoid) and the WGS84 from the logged height. This difference is added to the height when it is logged in the device. That way the height is matched to what Google Maps expect and to what the user expects.
- Filter items written to these formats by:
- date (start/end date);
- log reason (time, speed, distance, button, and application specific);
- fix type (no fix, sps, dgps, estimate, ...)Change the logging reason parameters (time, speed, distance). To change, check the tick box and then push SET;
- record number, speed, distans, PDOP, HDOP, VDOP, NSAT (=Advanced).
- Change the log format (without erasing the log on the device);
- Set 5Hz logging (set Time=0.2 s and fix = 200 ms) or the button on the 'Easy' tab;
- Log positions from within the application (on the device) using extra log reasons.
- Start/Stop the log;
- Set some special settings (not available in the PC application delivered with the device): DGPS mode, test satellite, fix frequency (e.g., 5Hz setting)
- Avoid the bugs of the original application (V2.2):
- Incomplete (incorrect) log download resulting in not being able to get all the log points;
- Errors in HDOP value interpretation (1.09 is written as 1.9 by the original application);
- Incorrect date given in the NMEA format.