
mdeweerd's picture

BT747 2.3.1 Released - Map Functionnality Updated

BT747 has been updated to cope with new requirements from map providers.

The list of available map providers has been reduced to list only relevant ones.

To limit the requests to these free providers, set a local cache directory from the File menu.  You be able to access previously fetched tiles offline as well.

mdeweerd's picture


A new version of BT747 was released integrating a new AGPS download location.

The application has also been signed with a new signature, has been updated with these signatures and the jnlp files have been updated to use https.

mdeweerd's picture

BT747 - New code signatures

The code signing key used for BT747 had to be upgraded to SHA-256.

Unfortunately that also revoked the old key and apparently the timestamping was not properly done with the previous signatures.  So the java laucher complains that the certificate is revoked.

All files have been resigned and republished.

You may need to launch:

javaws -viewer

[on windows : "Windows Key + R" to access the execute popup where you can enter this].

Physikator's picture

Wanted: small tracker with display and large memory

I currently use a Holux M241, and the features I like most are

  • AA battery: you can get them anywhere on this world
  • Display showing coordinates or velocity or distance
  • Good cooperation with BT747

However, the memory for 131000 track points (less with newer firmware) is a bit tiny for any holiday of more than a week.

I found the "Locosys GPS Walker" with about 2 GBytes of Memory (and a built-in mp3-player, who needs that?), but that thing has some disadvantages:

mdeweerd's picture

Is your GPRS Tracker safe ?

When you want to know where you've been using GPS, you basically have two options: active tracking and passive tracking.

Passive tracking is what most users of this site are doing: an electronic devices stores the positions internally and these positions are recovered at  a later time.

Active tracking generally implies the transmission of the current position to some kind of server in "real time".  And that is most of the time done using the GSM/GPRS network.

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