The next table has to be updated. Look at the help provided on the command line for up-to-date information.
Option | Description |
-R | Recover from disabled log: erase data and reset recording criteria |
--UTC <Integer: UTCoffset> | Define UTC offset to apply to output file |
-a | Read all the log memory (overlapped data) |
-b <filename.bin> | Do not read device, read a previously saved file.The file type is selected according to the filename extension. Recognized file extensions are .csv, .trl,.nmea, .nme, .nma, .txt, .log, .sr . |
--badcolor <HEXCOLOR> | Color to use for 'bad part' in tracks (HEX RGB value), ex 00FFFF |
--color <HEXCOLOR> | Color to use for tracks (HEX RGB value, ex 00FF00) |
-d <Integer: DEBUG_LEVEL> | Debug level: 0..2 |
--device <DEVICE> | Make sure the raw bin file is correctly interpreted (DEFAULT, HOLUX). |
--download-method FULL|SMART|REPORTED | Select the download method. FULL = All the memory, SMART=According to previous download, REPORTED=Ignores overwrite setting and download reported used memory. |
-f <filename> | Base name for saved files (.bin and other) |
-h | Displays help |
--height-to-msl | Correct WGS84 height (elevation) to MSL (Mean Sea Level) |
-l <(on|off)> | Turn logging ON/OFF |
-m <(stop|overlap)> | Set STOP/OVERLAP recording method on memory full |
--outtype <OUTPUTTYPE> | Create a gpx file of type NMEA, GPX, GMAP, KML, KMZ, CSV, PLT, TRK. More than one format can be specified when separated with ',' |
-p <port> | Communication port, default: /dev/ttyUSB0 |
-r <Integer: time:distance:speed> | Set logging criteria (zero to disable) |
-s <Integer: speed> | Serial port speed, default 115200 baud |
--splittype <SPLITTYPE> | The way to split the input data: NOSPLIT, DAY or TRACK |
-t | Create a gpx file with tracks |
--template-taggedfilename FORMAT | Specify the template for the tagged filename. Default FORMAT is "%p\%f_tagged%e".
%p is replaced by the directory of the original file. %e is replaced by the extension of the original file. %f is replaced with the base of the original file. So the default will convert a file "BT747\org.jpg" to "BT747\org_tagged". |
--timesplit <Integer: MINUTES> | Time separation in minutes needed for track segment or track separation. |
--trkptinfo | Add record information for each trackpoint. |
--trkptname | Give each trackpoint a name (based on time) |
-v | Print BT747 version and exit |
-w | Create a gpx file with waypoints |