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Problem. Changing parameters, frequency Columbus V990

I am new to this forum. My name is Victor and I write from Spain.

How to convert many GPS logs from Columbus V-900 to GPX

Hi all,

I used my Columbus V-900 during my 4-week-holiday some months ago. Now I'd like to work with my GPS tracks, tag my photos and so on.

So what I have is about 30 logfiles from my V-900 in CSV format: 20100901.CSV, 20100902.CSV, 20100903.CSV and so on - one logfile for each day.

First question:

The first step for me is to convert the CSV files to GPX, which can then be used in GeoSetter for tagging my photos. So I would like to load all CSV files in BT747 and convert them all to individual GPX files, e.g. log_20100901.GPX and so on.

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