Some questions and remarks noted during the first hours of the BT747 takeover on my PDA
Conclusion prior to going forward:
Great piece of software. I can confirm that I fell in love with it!
* Pocket PC
* Brand: Fujitsu Siemens
* Type: Loox 720
* CPU: ARM (PXA272)
* Frequency: 520 MHz
* Resolution: 640 x 480
* OS: Windows Mobile 2003 SE
* Version: Windows .Net 4.21.1088 (build 14132)
* iBlue 747A+
* Qstarz BT-Q1000XT
* Superwaba ver 5.85: "superwaba.PocketPC_ARM.CAB" from SourceForge
* BT747 ver 1.68: "" from Source forge, the cab file for the PPC, "BT747.PocketPC_ARM.CAB", is in the dist directory
Superwaba and BT747 software installation:
1- The installations were done with cab installer.
2- To be confirmed: BT747 & Superwaba seem not to install correctly in customized directory names.
1- When an error message closes, a black area is covering the screen. It disappears when the flap is switched to another one then back.
2- Sometimes, clicking on the menu bar, leaves a black area on the entire working window. It doesn't disappear when switching to another window then back. Still here after an off-on. It recovered when, by chance, I clicked on a flap sensitive area.
3- When a flap is activated a green thick line surrounds the window, masking the upper menus or flaps. This thick line may also masks other texts or boxes. It would probably be better to have a thin red or green line or a change of the button color itself.
General comments:
1- The Qstarz Q1000XT has an embedded vibration sensor and a speed detector as well as Time Scheduling capabilities. It would be very interesting to get these functions implemented in BT747 because neither Qstarz software, offering these functions, is compatible with Windows 2000 nor any PDA application other than BT747 exist for Windows Mobile versions earlier than Windows Mobile 5.
2- Nothing concerns the AGPS. These data currently need to be downloaded from Internet with GPS Viewer or the proprietary software. Nothing exists for the moment for a PDA.
3- A word concerning the Waypoints entered in the GPS: when reviewing the NMEA file, one can notice that the time a Waypoint was recorded is not stored. Unless a PDA is available for taking a picture of its displayed time to synchronize further the camera, shooting while depressing the Wp button is an alternative. Adding or extrapolating the waypoint time would be extremely useful.
4- I do appreciate the conversion to PLT for OziExplorer.
5- For the moment, I didn't see any option to get the waypoints from BT747. Although they remain available in the NMEA file, an extra operation is needed to extract them. Possibly it comes with the filters or "others" flap but there's no option for the wpt file. Confusing.
"Fmt" flap:
1- I fear (and I think I'm not alone) to click on "set and erase" or "erase" without warning ! A short information would be useful at the bottom of the window.
"Log" flap:
1- Except the progress bar for the download, there's nothing similar for the conversions. It's very confusing because the application seems frozen. It took time before I realized !
2- Excellent conversion capabilities that other software don't offer. However, some conversions don't work: PLT to NMEA, PLT to GPX, PLT to CSV, ... I'm probably asking too much since this is the purpose of the raw file !
3a- File download: for the further, the GPS are not set to "overwrite when full" and the d/l mode is "smart dwnld". The iBlue's memory contains 25375 records, the Qstarz' one contains 19561 records.
3b- Connected in direct to the PDA BT COM6 port (normally at 115200 bps, i.e. without Franson GPS gate running), with chunk=32000, the time to d/l the current memory is 9 mn 22 s. Passing to chunk=65000 the time is reduced to 8 mn 40 s.
3c- With the same parameters (chunk=65000), the Qstarz is pretty much quicker. It takes 2 mn 8 s to download its memory.
4- "Autohght" button: the GPS is WGS84, shall BT747 be configured to "Autohght" or "WGS84" ?
5a- Conversions from the downloaded file to NMEA then to PLT, same number of records as above in 3a:
5b- The iBlue takes 1 mn38 for the NMEA conversion. The Qstarz takes 1 mn 13 s for the conversion to NMEA and 45 sec for the conversion to plt. This is not characteristic because the GPS are not concerned by the conversion.
6- Download to NMEA while converting doesn't appear as possible.
7- "Device Log on/off" box, when unticked, turns back to ticked when the GPS is active in log mode. My understanding is that it wouldn't. The behavior is the same for both GPS.
8- All tracks converted to plt have the same labelling under OziExplorer e.g. "BT747 Track" (line #5 of the plt file. It would be useful to have the filename in the plt file instead because OziExplorer displays all the tracks with the same label. I didn't check the other formats because I don't have any other navigation software.
9- To complete "General comments, #5" above, the NMEA converted files don't contain "$GPWPL" that corresponds to a waypoint. I've to look deeper in the filtering functions.
"File" flap:
1- Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V doesn't work in the "output dir" box (File flap).
2- Two occurrences of BT747log.bin appear in the BT747 window, even if the directory is changed then opened again
3- The sizes aren't displayed. At a first glance, it could provide indications if shown.
4- The "Report" box doesn't offer a choice as the "log file" does. With two GPS, this needs to edit the field every time the GPS is changed.
5- Not tested yet: by the way, if a file already exists does BT147 mentions it or does it overwrite it with or without confirmation ?
"Easy" Flap:
1- How to fully revert to 1Hz from the "Easy" flap ? See also "ctrl" flap # 1a below.
2- Same remark as "fmt" flap # 1: Not tested yet: Do the "factory reset" and the "forced erase" have confirmation screens (two at least) ? A short word of explanation at the bottom of the window would be cool.
"Con" flap:
1a- When the GPS doesn't see the satellites, how can we know that the port is still open and the connection are established with the GPS ? Because the time is refreshed ?
1b- "Close port", "Connect port Nbr", "(re)open" look not to work. In fact there's no real feedback of the connection status. Presently, it was interrupted.
2- There's no "scan port" button as it exist in MktDLut. If it's foreseen to implement it, it would detect and display separately physical and virtual ports. In my case virtual ports are mastered by Franson GPS Gate that is slower than the BT Comport.
3- If the connection is interrupted, the PDA blue LED keeps blinking but BT747 looks dead. An "Alive BT" indicator would be useful.
4- "Flash info", for the iBlue GPS, BT747 only provides the reference of the flash mem., not the manufacturer. For the Qstarz, it displays the manufacturer and the size (EON 8 MB). This is a plus over MktDLut that doesn't recognize the memory at all.
5- With Franson GPS Gate, which output doesn't exceed 56 kbps, BT747 works at 115200 & 38400 bps. Nothing may indicate the real throughput nor any error is exhibited.
"Ctrl" Flap:
1a- Before I modified to 5 Hz then 2Hz, "Fix" was equal to 1000. Every time I attempt to restore it at 1000 it's reset at 500. It corresponds to "NMEA Period" of MktDLut where it can be restored. See below:
1b- Gotcha ! Selecting the entire value allows to change it whilst selecting only the first two figures doesn't, unless the user is very quick.
2- A question: Is it possible to retrieve, from the NMEA logs or the .bin file, the settings the GPS had at the the logs were recorded ?
GUI: 1. Strange behaviour. I
1. Strange behaviour. I can see if I can force a redraw when the error message disappears.
2. Surely similar as 1 and possibly a bug in the VM. More difficutl to fix, but maybe I can redraw also when closing the menu bar.
3. You can remove this green border line which is for devices without a touch screen ('Focus Highlight' option in Menu/Settings). Automatic detection does not always work.
General comments:
1. I have to get my hands on such a device or somebody has to trace the commands that control this. This can be done by using a serial tracer (a software tracer) and the original SW.
2. Correct - I did not fully port to PDA. SuperWaba does not have a class for the FTP protocol, so that has to be ported from the FTP class I managed to put together for J2ME.
3. NMEA does not really allow waypoints and vendors have made proprietary implementations. In the desktop application you can activate the 'WPL' sentence which is such an implementation - that can be found in Advanced Settings.
BT747 can also tag - no need to press a button when taking a picture - that is the whole idea.
Based on the camera's time and the GPS time, the picture can be positioned on the map. That then becomes a waypoint. There is no interpollation at this time.
The way points should appear in the trackpoint list if the track point filter has at least the same selections as the way point filter.
4. ;-)
5. Way points and track points are 'the same'- they are selected based on the filter. Also see '3.' above. GPX, KML, KMZ and other formats have the possibility to store waypoints. It is true that for 'OZI' I do not create a waypoint file. I could add that functionality, but I need to get the format for the WPT file.
My general remark: could you mention the SuperWaba version?
"Fmt" flap:
1. If you do that by mistake, you'll be asked twice to confirm the erase where you will need to reply yes and no (or similar) to confirm the erase. The confirm button changes from left to right or vice-versa so that your mind needs to be at a minimum level of alert.
"Log" flap:
1. It's been 'partially' implemented but did not make it the entire length yet.
2. BT747 does not read PLT files (yet). I am not sure that there is a real utility in it. GPX, NMEA and CSV are popular format (and CSV can be easily edited).
3b. IMHO the connection speed for bluetooth does not really matter. Smart download should be faster on the second download. Bigger chunks result in less communication overhead when everything communicates ok, but more overhead in case of communication errors. So if everything communicates well, the bigger the better.
3c. I am not sure what iBlue you have. The older one uses a legacy serial protocol on board at 115200 baud (RS232). The newer devices no longer seem to have a real serial communication on board with faster communication as a result.
4. Autoheight means that the height conversion method is chosen according to the formats. Should be ok for most users. Height in CSV is considered to be WGS84 for instance and in GPX it is relative to Mean Sea Level.
6. I am not sure what you mean here. The devices output live NMEA data, but store it in a binary format internally.
7. What happens is that BT747 instructs the device to switch logging off. Then BT747 requests the current status from the logger (on a regular basis BTW). The newer devices examine the position of the logger button and revert the logging status on the next fix. [Just after switching logging off, the device reports that logging is off and one second later it reports that logging is on].
8- Ok - I can change this. I assume that this is 'BT747 Track' that has to evolve.
9. See my General comment #3.
"File" flap:
1. Can't do much about that. Clicking '+' will open a directory browser.
2. I set the current selection at the top of the list and then the directory content. For algorithm simplicity I do not check the directory content to remove the double listing entry.
3. True. There is not much space on a PDA, but something like '15k' would be acceptable. No promise though.
4. BT747 will overwrite files when converting to a file. Source files (.bin) will not be overwritten during smart download (the default setting) if the data is 'different' and you do not confirm (if the data is 'the same', the file gets 'appended').
1- Ctrl-C / Ctrl-V doesn't work in the "output dir" box (File flap).
"Easy" Flap:
1. 1Hz is the default when the battery is removed, etc. So the idea was that these buttons are for the people that prefer 5Hz or 2Hz mode. Reverting to 1Hz was not deemed necessary (and space is costly).
2. Just one confirmation screen for 'Factory reset'. Factory reset does not reset the Flash memory, just NMEA sentences, satellite data, ... . There are 2 confirmations needed for the erase.
"Con" flap:
1a. Time will increase even without the satellites. Ideally I would have to add an indicator at the bottom of the screen.
1b. Let's say that currently this is a lack of visual feedback.
2. There's no direct access to the system in SuperWaba (unless I implement native libaries to bridge between 'java' and the system).
3. I rely on SuperWaba for that and the detection of the disconnect does not work very well there (that is at least my analysis).
4. If you send me the Flash ID, I can add the manufacturer id to my list and the info can be added.
5. As said, I do not believe that Bluetooth relies on the speed. I agree that I do not indicate the throughput speed.
"Ctrl" Flap:
1a. Strange that you were not able to set it to 1000. It could be the delay between the request of the fix period and the corresponding response resulting in a GUI update.
1b. Surely the same as 1a, only that on that trial you did not recently change to the 'Ctrl' panel.
2. Not from the NMEA logs. The information is in the bin logs and can be written to the CSV output. Currently that only really available in the PDA version (Menu/Settings/Output log conditions). It should be on the 'FMT' tab, but that is already pretty full.
If you want to have that on the PC, you can launch the PDA like version on PC (from the run_rxtx.bat file or similar).
Now that you've brought that to the foreground, I am thinking again how to best add that to the desktop version.
P.S.: Maybe some of the above only relates to the 'latest' version that you do not get the work on the PDA. Once I have my emulator set up I can check that issue.
Hello Mario, Wow ! Lightening
Hello Mario,
Wow ! Lightening fast reply !
Now I've to re-read thoroughly the information and to provide you with the missing data.
Just one precision: I've not been clear with my remarks concerning the waypoints:
I perfectly understand how to geotag the pictures with the track points and I use Geosetter for this purpose. It imports NMEA format. Rather difficult to approach but very complete. The sole difficulty comes from the time difference between GPS and cam. Some seconds may represent several tens of meters, even pretty much more.
In fact, I'm using waypoints, not for the pictures only but for a general use instead:
* The first purpose is to record the time of a waypoint in synchronism with the camera time (dummy picture). In the past, I used to shoot the Garmin 12 CX's display showing the time. Currently, in addition to my Canon EOS, I also have an old Olympus (pocket cam), which clock is drifting a little bit every day. That's not convenient to set the date everytime and, often, I forget to do it. For that I need the waypoint and its time (optionnaly its date). Then the difference between cam and GPS time is very easy to compute and very accurate. If the time isn't recorded, the solution is to open the NMEA file, to search for the first "WPL" occurrence that provides two track points, one before one after with their respective times. The brain does the rest :-) It might also be automated with Excel.
* The second purpose is to record points of interest, and, to remember what they were and add comments, I've a voice recorder. For this use I need the waypoint and both the date and the time. Not any relation with the camera.
* Third, the GPS capability to record waypoints is highly appreciated for OziExplorer post-processing. GPS Babel converts in the same operation the NMEA file written by MktDLut to one track file and to one waypoint file. Unfortunately, BT747 doesn't embed the waypoints in the NMEA converted file. Hence waypoints are lost unless the bin file is compatible with a third party conversion program.
See you, bye
[I type fast ;-)] Here are
[I type fast ;-)]
Here are some alternative solutions regarding the reasons that you use way points for:
P.S.: I typed this message yesterday but it dit not get posted.
The analysis and the reply
The analysis and the reply were longer than the takeover !
Thaks for the time you spent for me.
1 and 2- I guess so that the this is the same problem. Possibly due to the resolution of the PDA. As far as I know, 640x480 is not so widespread.
3- OK that's done. Thanks.
General comments:
2- I read about his yesterday. Honestly, I didn't understand everything. Moreover, the urls or ftp addresses the software must call, look to be protected. Is there something like a license ?
3- Please read the reply I made earlier in the afternoon. I've not installed the desktop version yet. I'll do that later on. Anyway, if the desktop version allows to process the .bin files created in the PDA, in order to extract the waypoints, it's perfect. I guess that nobody would organize and sort waypoint or even geotag pictures on a PDA :-)
"The way points should appear in the trackpoint list if the track point filter has at least the same selections as the way point filter." I'm not sure to get the meaning. Waypoints sentences do not embed the time. So they'd appear differently in the converted NMEA file or they would appear like track points do but without the time. It isn't the case. Since there's only 3 types: $GPGGA, $GPRMC and $GPZDA, and all the records have time, at least in the files I've extracted.
5- I think this should be kept in standby for the moment. Let me see how they're handled in the desktop version. The PDA purpose is mainly to configure the GPS on the fly and download the logs. Conversions can perfectly be done on the desktop computer, waypoints as well.
"My general remark: could you mention the SuperWaba version ?" Yes, of course, it's the 5.85. Please refer also to the page I put on the site. With regard to the mail I sent to you before, I added at the beginning some pieces of information about the platform, the software versions, the files that I have installed.
"Fmt" flap:
1. I do appreciate the redundancies for the confirmations boxes "la ceinture et les bretelles" as we say in France !
"Log" flap:
1. It's not really a problem as far as the user knows about it. Just a reminder telling that it may take two minutes or more might be enough.
2. I don't really see a need for the conversions from a .plt. It was just a remark. GpsBabel can do it if needed. Anyway your .bin file contains all the data.
3b. I already noticed on the desktop that the iBlue 747A+ was slower on blue tooth than the Qstarz, something like 30%. However, I still have to optimize the chunk value because the compared d/l speed ratio is around 3 times for the iBlue and 1.5 to 2 times for the Qstarz. Of course, this is only a first experience. I've not explored all the possibilities.
Incremental D/l are very interesting. This way, a daily d/l doesn't take too long. The possibility to separate the tracks is also a big plus w.r.t. the other programs.
3c."I am not sure what iBlue you have". 747A+
6. "I am not sure what you mean here". At the first glance, I thought that the download was generating several files like MktDLut does, with a csv and an NMEA at the same time. Then I realized that the conversion was made separately, file per file.
7. In fact, as far as the setting is not saved, the program is re-initialized at the GPS rate. This is the reason why the box reappears as ticked and, on another tab, the reason why it's not so easy to reconfigure the rate from 500 to 1000. IMHO, as soon as a value is changed, the refresh should be frozen until an enter or escape key is depressed. However, the room is expensive on a PDA and I understand that the code must keep very light. The documentation (ver 1.56) lets one think that, when the box is unticked, it remains in this status until the user makes a change or turns the GPS Off then On, and this is not true. Looking to the menu, "Stop Log on Connect" also seems to influence the behaviour. I've to test that. Anyway there's a very easy workaround for the fix in the ctrl flap.
8- "Ok - I can change this. I assume that this is 'BT747 Track' that has to evolve". Correct, the pain is almost the same with GpsBabel. Although the label can be defined, the content needs to re-typed every time or cut and pasted from the file name. It would be great to implement that. Otherwise, in Oziexplorer, the operations are not easy: double click on the track, click on the save button but not save the file. Just edit and copy the file name, escape and paste the file name in the Track Desc. Box and save again (completely) then close. That is repeated for all the tracks !
"File" flap:
1. When I first used this function, the box was empty. So I had to create the directory. I didn't realize that it was possible to navigate from this window. Sometimes working on the PDA should be done with a magnifier :-) Now, that's OK. It might possibly be clarified in the documentation.
2. OK, no problem, might be mentioned in the documentation.
3. Wouldn't be easier to call the file explorer instead ? Anyway the path is pretty restricted around BT747. The easier, the better !
4. OK, my understanding is that with Smart download, the data is always appended to the bin file except if the Log has been reset before the d/l. In this case, as it does for the normal or the full d/l, it will start from the beginning, overwriting the bin file. Is there a confirmation screen offering to modify the name of the bin file ? Sorry for asking this question, I'm not yet at this step since both GPS are brand new and I'm in the process of filling their memories to evaluate the provision I'll have on the field.
Today, I've been puzzled. Fortunately the file was the good one. I began to get the log of the Qstarz (Smart dl) and I didn't verify the filename prior to doing that. What would happen in case the bin file is the iBlue's one ? Would it overwrite it considering that nothing allows the GPS to recognize the file header of another GPS ?
"Easy" Flap:
1. "Reverting to 1Hz was not deemed necessary (and space is costly)". No problem this just needs to be known and the initial value noted somewhere.
By the way, where does BT747 save its settings ? It would probably be useful to make a full backup of the initial GPS settings prior to operating it.
2. Concerning the confirmations screens, that's OK.
"Con" flap:
1a. It just needs to know that when the link is established and alive the clock is incremented. That's OK. See also point 3 below.
1b In fact the port status feedback is also given by the clock..
2. Concerning the port scan, It's not a problem for me because I've already experienced physical and virtual ports between OziExplorer and TomTom but, dumping some GPS forums I can tell that this is a real pain for most people. IMHO, port scanning would really be a plus. For example MtkDLut scans and stores the last value. GPS Viewer doesn't scan nor store and every time this is a trial and error. BT747 stores the port so the pain is reduced to the very first time :-).
You've gotten feedback from your users and nobody else is at the best place. It's up to you to evaluate the need.
3. This evening I got some instability with the Blue Tooth. The communication got interrupted when I began the d/l or just before. I went to the "con" flap and the clock was frozen. I reopened the port, it automatically switched to the log flap but it wasn't working. I went again to the "con" flap, clock still frozen and repeated the operation. Same behaviour until I re-initialized the communication. In this case, the automatic switching to "log" is confusing. I really think that an indicator, always visible, would be useful.
4. ID. "1C20171C (EON,8MB)" for the Qstarz, a question mark replaces the brand and ID. "1C31161C (4MB)" for the iBlue (no manufacturer is mentioned for its flash). Remark: the reported flash size doesn't really reflect the log capability since the Qstarz Q1000XT is specified to 400000 points or less and the iBlue 747A+ to 125000 points max.
"Ctrl" Flap:
1a. It’s the delay. Moreover, selecting the "5" with the purpose to type "10" is not the same as selecting "500" with the purpose to replace it by "1000". The Pocket PC doesn't behaves the same. First case, the selection is refreshed at the rate of the GPS. Second case it's still ! Probably platform or OS related.
1b. Confirmed, same as 1a. See above.
2. "Menu/Settings/Output log conditions" The documentation is not very clear on what this option does.
"If you want to have that on the PC, you can launch the PDA like version on PC (from the run_rxtx.bat file or similar)" I'd need Java for dummies ! The Ver 1.68 for PC doesn't contain any executable file although ver 2.xx does. For the moment, it looks strange for me. This one of the reasons why I didn't install it on the computer yet. I will first get accustomed with this PDA version (1.68) Then, I'll switch to PDA ver 2.x (I probably mis-installed it the first time). The desktop versions are for after holiday !
GUI: 1. No evolutoin. General
1. No evolutoin.
General comments:
2. The ftp address and related credentials are given to vendors, ... . I got a login/password for transystem and I am not making it public. Not sure this is 'license' related, but I try to limit abuse.
3. The desktop version can process the '.bin' file. I thought that tagging on the PDA would not be a priority.
Regarding the way points, there is a misunderstanding between us. A way point related to a tracked position (even if it is a button press) can appear as a track point.
5. I think this should be kept in standby for the moment. Let me see how they're handled in the desktop version. The PDA purpose is mainly to configure the GPS on the fly and download the logs. Conversions can perfectly be done on the desktop computer, waypoints as well.
"My general remark" - I meant the BT747 you are using under Superwaba - I understand that this is the latest 1.68 version.
"Log" flap:
1. I should add such a warning message.
2. I'll not be adding PLT source conversion (soon anyway).
6. Yep - the process is : download the raw log data. And later you choose the files you want to create from that.
7. Device behaviour has changed, so the older doc surely has some imprecisions. I have to think about the update behaviour.
8. I made a modification in the last version (desktop!) hopefully that is ok. Porting to 1.68 may be done later.
"File" flap:
1,2. There is a lot of room for improvement regarding documentation!
3. SuperWaba is a cross-platform 'java' platform with no real access to system specific functions.
4. When smart download says that the file has different data, it will abort and then you can change the name as usual.
I always leave smart download on - the other methods of downloading will overwrite as far as I remember (I did not check that now). There is no need to use the other download methods in principle - they are there as a 'backup' solution in case there is a bug in smart download or some incompatibility with a device.
Smart download will not overwrite data even if it is from another logger. The log formats are mostly the same - and smart download does not really rely on the format.
"Easy" Flap:
1. Doc again - but the initial value is actually in 'Flash settings'.
BT747 settings are saved in the BT747Settings.pdb file.
"Con" flap:
1. Ok.
2. I agree - it is a pain and incredible that simple serial protocols are so badly supported in the different OS's or program language (environments).
I did not implement 'scanning' because there is a risk with connecting to some ports on PDA's.
On PC, the problem no longer exists when using USB and is mostly automatic for other systems and bluetooth too on other systems.
3. An extra indicator is usefull.
4. Ok, flash id detection is probably a limitation in 1.68 something that is done in the 2.X version. Maybe I'll add it to the 1.68 version too.
The first devices were 2MB (32Mb) and they reported 100000 positions at the time. But that is only possible if you are only logging lat and lon which would take up 18 bytes for each position (and I confirm that that does not include the GPS Time - with the GPS time you can record only 94580 positions for each 2MB.
So Qstarz continues to overrate the logging capability while Transystem put a more reasonable figure (based on their default settings).
When configuring the log format, BT747 reports the number of positions that you can theoretically store.
"Ctrl" Flap:
1. Noted, not sure I'll do something about it (soon).
2. That options adds three columns to the CSV file output indicating the log conditions active at that position.
Hello, Thanks for the
Thanks for the clarifications. I understand now why it's so difficult to find the AGPS ftp server addresses on Internet and also why other programs are offering the AGPS d/l capability without providing the ftp address !
Concerning the waypoints, I just stick to OziExplorer: Track points are automatically logged, Waypoints are triggered by the user. Then they can be managed in Waypoint data bases and shared . One can call them "Points of Interest". Here's an abstract of the NMEA file downloaded by MktDLut directly from the GPS. The difference between the manual waypoint and the automatically logged track points clearly appears:
I'm afraid, I just had a look on GpsBabel, entering your bin file with "MKT logger iBlue 747 bin file" format, it doesn't exhibit any waypoint ! This makes me to think that waypoints recorded with the button are something special in the GPS logger's memory and possibly they don't come with the standard binary file.
Here's the same time slot for the file extracted by BT747 then processed by GpsBabel.
I can't manage to create a table. I sent it separately by e-mail.
"Log" Flap
2- No real need in fact.
6- OK, the conversions are quick.
7- When i've assimilated Superwaba and BT747 ver 1.68, I'll upgrade and probably see that some of my wonders have been processed. No urgency to implement any of the modifications.
8- I understood that ver 1.68 was obsolete w.r.t. ver 2.xx. Is there a real need to port this modification to 1.68 ?
"File" flap
4- Good ! I also agree with you concerning Smart Download. It's a real plus that no other program has.
"Ctrl" flap
1- documentation only since it works when the complete field is edited.
Finally, except the waypoint issue, everything seems more or less to be implemented in the new versions for PDA and Desktop. With BT747 the GPS is no more blind and death and this really appreciable.
Regarding: 2- A question: Is
2- A question: Is it possible to retrieve, from the NMEA logs or the .bin file, the settings the GPS had at the the logs were recorded ?
This is now implemented in 2.X.1766. There is an extra tickbox in the Output Settings in the 'Log Reason' box - called 'Cond' (short for conditions).
That currently only has an impact for the CSV format (as it already was in the PDA version).
Hi, Some feedback after two
Some feedback after two weeks using BT747 on my PDA.
After solving the first issues due to my bad understanding of the program, it was really comfortable to get the logs and configure the logging options on the field. During the past years, that was a pain to pull the tracks out of my Garmin with the cables and the adapter. BT747 and blue tooth is a huge improvement and to my knowledge it's the sole program working on Windows 2003 SE.
I've been a little bit afraid however because my old version of OziCE doesn't display the big files, hence no verification has been possible prior to opening the files on the desktop. I think that it's more a limitation of the PDA itself.
Back home, I installed the desktop version. The last one, the 2.X_1772. Really a great program. Second phase of learning but this time with the experience of the first time. Not much trouble. Still the problem coming from the bugging Windows serial to USB driver (usbser.sys). Fortunately Blue Tooth is here again. Pulling the tracks, converting them to plt and waypoints for OziExplorer (thanks Mario for the date & time implementation), updating EPO data in the GPS and configuring its logging parameters as well is a pleasure.
Shall I add that that Mario, the author, is highly reactive, helpful and patient :-)
Its likе you leaгn my mind!
Its likе you leaгn my mind! Үou ѕeem to
undегstand so much abοut this, suсh aѕ yοu ωгote the
e book in it or sоmething. I feel that you simply could do ωith somе ρ.
с. to force the messagе housе а little bit, howеvеr instead of that, that іѕ gгeat blog.
An еxcellеnt reaԁ. I'll certainly be back.