
mdeweerd's picture

AGPS in J2ME and Direct Upload to OSM

Given the feedback in the poll, I've given more priority to providing the AGPS upload functionality in J2ME and now I implemented a 'not yet gui friendly' version of direct upload to Open Street Map.

The AGPS upload (and download of the data from the web) should work, but I can't test it using a real internet connection (on the phone) and a real AGPS capable device, so any feedback of success or failure is welcome). You should use the latest version 0.3.XXX).

mdeweerd's picture

Holux GPS Tracker 007 (GR-515) and GPS Tracker 005 (GR-530)

Holux came out with two tracker devices that also have mobile network capability (GPS/GPRS).

One device is a watch (GPS Tracker 005) and the other is a module (GPS Tracker 007).

Both accept a SIM card and can actively upload the current GPS location to a server or send an SMS to another phone. they can also respond to an incoming call from an authorised phone (up to 4 or any phone) to provide the location.

mdeweerd's picture

Sourceforge down on June 6th, 2009

Sourceforge has been unreachable for part of the day on June 6th, 2009.
This could be verified using DownForEveryOneOrJustMe.Com.

If you want to download BT747 explicitally, you can use one of the download mirror sites.

mdeweerd's picture

GeoTagging Coming to BT747

I've started writing the code to bring geotagging to BT747.

I do not want to use an external program to do this. Other programs used tools like exiftool, but that means extra complication for installing and availability. I am writing the code in Java which means that I hope to be able to port this to the Mobile Phone version for example.

mdeweerd's picture

Addresses are given to us to conceal our whereabouts

GPS Data Loggers are given to us to remember our whereabouts...

I started the BT747 project somewhere in April 2007. I had decided to buy an iBlue 747 to be able to geotag my pictures mainly. I also wanted to be able to manage the logger on the road. At the time I had, and I still have, a Palm Lifedrive.

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