
Louis Petkus's picture

Is this how to geotag?

I am a new user trying to GeoTag Canon raw (CR2) files.

In the "Files to Tag" window I have opened my image files and have highlighted the images I wish to geotag. The lat long fields have automatically been filled in with the correct lat long data so I assume I am now ready to update my image files with the gps data.

When I click on "Save Tagged Files" I don't see anything happening and when I go back and check the original image files none of the lat long fields have been updated.

"Tag from File" is set to the default "Convert inplace............"

Defining Waypoint Types

I am in the process of adding geotagging capability to BT747. This means that in the near future, BT747 will be able to place JPG files on the map and later on put the geoinformation in the JPG files.

I will introduce the notion of 'tag type' or rather convert the notion of 'rcr' or 'Record Reason' into tag type (or tag for simplicity).

mdeweerd's picture

GeoTagging Coming to BT747

I've started writing the code to bring geotagging to BT747.

I do not want to use an external program to do this. Other programs used tools like exiftool, but that means extra complication for installing and availability. I am writing the code in Java which means that I hope to be able to port this to the Mobile Phone version for example.

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