Have a nice day, please advice. When I run the application on the Nokia E51 and I select menu "menu -> logger -> log fields" and I choose certain items, so the choice is not saved and when I re-opening of the menu, is not selected again. Application always shows me a text "Enable the RCR log field to enable advanced waypoint selection...". I spent much time with it, but I can not get away. Advance thanks for the advices.
Any phone not being too strict on 'security' with a CLDC 1.1 / MIDP 2.0 profile and JSR82 support (bluetooth library) should be able to run the J2ME version of BT747 (if the specification says MIDP2.0, it is probably OK. For a list of known phones, see further below (leave a message in the forum if your phone is not on the list). Here is a first throw at explaining how to get BT747 on your phone!