
kempelen's picture

J2ME on Sony Ericsson P1i

Hi all,

I don't know if there are plans to improve the J2ME version, but I think it's a good option for a long lasting battery logger device. I'm experimenting with an old phone to make it a GPS logger.

BT747 J2ME version works very bad on my Sony Ericsson P1i Symbian UIQ3. Menus randomly not receive clicks or randomly quit. Checkboxes of what fields to log are never stored and that page cannot be scrolled. Scrolling also quits most pages.

I'm guessing these problems are originating from J4ME library, which looks totally abandoned.

mdeweerd's picture

AGPS in J2ME and Direct Upload to OSM

Given the feedback in the poll, I've given more priority to providing the AGPS upload functionality in J2ME and now I implemented a 'not yet gui friendly' version of direct upload to Open Street Map.

The AGPS upload (and download of the data from the web) should work, but I can't test it using a real internet connection (on the phone) and a real AGPS capable device, so any feedback of success or failure is welcome). You should use the latest version 0.3.XXX).


BT747 should work on Mobile Phones that supports CLDC 1.1 / MIDP 2.0 and JSR-82 (bluetooth library). Take a look into the list of working reported phones. Please report if you have run it on a unlisted device, so we can add this to the list. Thanks. Download the current stable version from BT747-Sourceforge-page (select the file BT_J2ME_version.zip). Unzip the content and change to "dist".

mdeweerd's picture

Compatible phones

You can post in this thread any success (or not) of installing BT747 on your mobile phone (the BT_J2ME version of course).
Some phones or PDAs have both J2ME capability and Windows Mobile. This means they could install both the BT_J2ME version AND the 'PDA' version. For the latter, I'll make a separate list.

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