Dear All,
I've just bought a Qstarz BT-Q1300S, and I would be the happiest man in world if I could configure it (at least, get data) from my ubuntu. I've seen the Qstarz BT-Q1300 on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) post, but I must acknowledge I'm not good enough in kernel compiling to perform this kind of tuning.
Have some of you already managed to use a Qstarz BT-Q1300S with BT747 on ubuntu ?
Every new version of an OS is subject to generating secondary effects and the latest Ubuntu version has an impact on BT747.
By default OpenJDK Java 6 is installed for the core java virtual machine and libraries and Icedtea to enable 'Java Web Start'.
Unfortunately that seems to result in some trouble here and there so I recommend to install the 'sun-java6' package instead. Sun has been acquired by Oracle, but the package still is 'sun-java6'.
je viens d'aquerir un GPS Holux 260. Je n'ai que Ubuntu chez moi pour récupérer mes traces.
A ce jour, je n'arive pas à récuperer mes traces, la communication par USB entre le GPS et mon ordi ne semble ne pas fonctionner.
Y'a-t-il une manipulation que je n'ai pas bien effectué?
Y'a-t-il un moyen simple de savoir sur quel port USB le GPS est connecter? (/dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyS1 ou /dev/ttyUSB0 ?)
Voila ce que me retourne la commande lsusb
Hello all,
using Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala I can start BT747 using the Java Webstart options (, I can start it by downloading any of the webstart files (specifically to my desktop (or home folder) and double-clicking it but I can not start it from a launcher in my menu because I'll then get a "Failed to execute childproces /home/username/BT747_J2SE_Latest_AutoUpdate.jnlp’. Permission denied." warning.
What's going on?
I have a Holux M-241, and Ubuntu 9.04 I have set up my rfcomm0 config to connect to the GPS, so I can definatly connect...I think however when I try to connect using /dev/rfcomm4 I get 23984 - Classgps.connection.GPSRxTxPort and nothing else happns.. can you help?