trouble connecting to M-241 with bluetooth on ubuntu 9.04

Duncan_Engeham's picture

I have a Holux M-241, and Ubuntu 9.04 I have set up my rfcomm0 config to connect to the GPS, so I can definatly connect...I think however when I try to connect using /dev/rfcomm4 I get 23984 - Classgps.connection.GPSRxTxPort and nothing else happns.. can you help?

mdeweerd's picture

Looks like an opening problem

When I do this under windows, I get as expected no message when connection succeeds and a message when connection fails.
Normally, when connection fails, more information is given:

129606 - Classgps.connection.GPSRxTxPort
Info: trying to open 'COMx18:'
129622 -
Listing known ports:
139528 - SER :COM2
139528 - SER :COM3

In your case you just get "Classgps.connection.GPSRxTxPort".

I suggest that you try to find the port by using the 'Find ports' in the 'File' Menu. That should add valid ports to the port pulldown list next to connect. Check that rfcomm4 is in it.
Maybe some more system configuration is needed or you need to select another port.

You can also connect to a port that you know does not exist to check that it gives another error message (or that at least it provides a full one).

I've just bought an m100c

I've just bought an m100c from holux., because i'm a linux user and the usb connection won't work without recompiling my kernel ;i'd like it if i were able to use the RFCOMM4 port that i've created (the name for the bluetooth port) .GPSd is able to use that port for the real time gps data ; my question is whether that port can also be used by BT747 and if so what's the exact name (/dev/rfcomm4) and bautrate shoud i set ?

mdeweerd's picture

The baud rate should not

The baud rate should not matter for bluetooth and in principle it should be possible to set the /dev/rfcomm4 port.
You can have BT747 look for valid ports using the corresponding entry in the 'File menu' (Find serial ports).
Found ports will be added to the end of the pull-down list next to 'Connect' - you can also enter 'any' text in that GUI box.

Regarding the intial post: BT747 should accept 'rfcomm' ports now - the default RXTX library does not accept these. If by any hazard you would be using the 'default' RXTX (e.g., one pre-installed on your system), then connection to rfcomm would not work.