The development version features direct upload to OSM.
You need to enter your login and password on the 'AGPS' panel. Then you can use the 'OSMUp' button.
BT747 will generate gpx files (limiting the fields to the usefull ones for OSM) and then upload them to the server using the provided credentials.
A mail should then confirm you of a successfull upload.
I'll add the possibility to add descriptions and tags later.
For now, I would be interested in hearing your feedback and success/failure stories.
While testing, be kind to OSM though: do not upload big tracks.
Given the feedback in the poll, I've given more priority to providing the AGPS upload functionality in J2ME and now I implemented a 'not yet gui friendly' version of direct upload to Open Street Map.
The AGPS upload (and download of the data from the web) should work, but I can't test it using a real internet connection (on the phone) and a real AGPS capable device, so any feedback of success or failure is welcome). You should use the latest version 0.3.XXX).
i know it's possible to download the whole content of openstreetmap. But is it possible to integrate the osm content in bt747 to use this application complete offline?
I don't want to cache only a litte peace of osm i want to integreate osm complete if its possible, is it?
BT747 (development version) now integrates a map interface. It can show tracks and waypoints.
This will currently help you to finetune the filtering or simply to get a rough idea of the tracks that you logged.
Apparently waypoint information extraction from gpx upload has been recently added to PotLatch, the online map editor for OpenStreetMap.
I've read some reports that the waypoints that are written by BT747 into the GPX files are recognized by PotLatch.
After reading the code that is responsible for analyzing the GPX files in PotLatch, I found that only a few features are recovered and that BT747 could be optimized to add additional information to the GPX files.
The relevant PotLatch code is here: